Amiens to Abbeville. - Retyrement on 2 Wheels 9 - CycleBlaze

July 29, 2024

Amiens to Abbeville.

Relaxed day of cycling westwards.

Wending our way through the earlyish morning streets of Amiens, we pass the beautiful cathedral as we find the route out of town.

Leaving Amiens.
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Our past the University
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Reaching the canal.
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Naturally, it’s back on the Somme Canal eventually and in the morning light on a perfectly clear day, it’s very pretty with gardens, allotments and green lawns studded with colourful bushes, running right down to the water. There are also more boats on the water, and we notice an increase in cycle tourists too. Some of these include families with very young children cycling along.

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A smooth path
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More holiday boats are appearing and queuing at locks.
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The marais area becomes broarder.
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The area of marais increases until it feels as though we are cycling along surrounded on water on all sides. The bird life has also increased considerably and we can identify storks and herons. 
We stop at a particularly attractive Office of Tourism at Picquigny. It’s a building with a shady deck and small tables above the office. The young chap at the office finds several useful maps for us, and lingers to practise his English as we enjoy a cool bottle of apple and rhubarb juice in the shade.

Juice on the deck.
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We lunch in the shade beside the canal near Flixecourt. A public information board tells us about how the incidence of war led to the destruction of almost all bridges on the canal in WWI and also how railways were important to helping the local industry of flax.

Near Long.
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There are several beautiful towns beside the water.
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Leaving Long
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Reminders of WW2.
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Our afternoon of riding is fairly leisurely and we arrive at Abbeville at about 4:00pm. 

Repairs to the chateau.
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There are tourers on this part of the river and also some areas where people are swimming.

Rowing club
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The recliner.
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Eventually in Abbeville we find out wonderful Warmshowers hosts, Brigitte and Maurice, who welcome us into their beautiful home and provide us with a wonderful space upstairs. We share wonderful conversation about cycling and railways and are grateful for the translation assistance of their vivacious daughter. It is a wonderful way to end an enjoyable days cycling.

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The walled garden has apples, pears, berries and a kiwifruit vine!
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We dined al fresco. No mosquitoes!
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Today's ride: 54 km (34 miles)
Total: 1,433 km (890 miles)

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