Summer and Autumn, 2021 - Rejuvenation? Or Last Hurrah? - CycleBlaze

Summer and Autumn, 2021

Starting to research and define my plan

WHEN I WAS HALF my present age, perhaps less, it seemed it would be fun to ride across the country but life intervened and it never happened.  Now I’m undeniably, ahem, no longer young.  But the thought remains that a very long tour might still be entertaining and enjoyable, not to mention possibly beneficial.

In view of the fact that I’ll be in Bend, OR at the end of June 2022 for a family event, and that I am now retired and free of job-related demands on my time, it has occurred to me that perhaps that would be the best remaining opportunity to attempt to realize my notion of so long ago.  So, I’m planning to ride home afterward, back to Rockville MD where I live.

It’s been a very long time indeed since I last did any self-contained bicycle touring, and what I did manage “back in the day” was nowhere near the scale and duration of a transcontinental-scale trip.  So, although I have ridden tens of thousands of miles over an aggregate time totaling many months on supported tours, in reality I consider myself basically a neophyte in the sub-sub genre of extended self-organized, self-supported tours.  That gives me lots to learn.

One thing I have already decided: I’m starting alone.

The reason is simple, and selfish: when you choose to ride by prearrangement with anyone else you become accountable to them at some level, and answerable to their needs and desires as much as they are to yours.  That’s simply a responsibility I’m unwilling to take on.

This isn’t meant to say that I expect to be entirely solitary throughout the trip.  At least on the legs that follow the ACA TransAm and/or Lewis and Clark routes, there will doubtless be others whose schedule and timing coincide with mine for periods of time, which raises the possibility of at least momentary congenial companionship.  However, since I’ll be switching between various ACA routes at different points, it’s unlikely that I’ll end up riding with the same cadre for more than a couple weeks at most.  On the segments where I’m off the ACA network altogether, I expect even less company.  That’s fine, and doesn’t worry me.

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George (Buddy) HallI think your plan to start alone is a good one. Based on my experience on ACA routes ACA routes you will almost certainly meet other people. And you may find that your pace matches up with someone else’s for a while. I have experience starting alone and starting with others, and I really think that starting alone is the best approach for you. Best of luck
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3 years ago
Keith AdamsTo George (Buddy) HallThanks George.

It's not my intent to live the solitary life of a hermit on this trip. I expect serendipitous matchups, at least for the time when I'm on one or another of the ACA routes, and being naturally more gregarious than otherwise I'm perfectly open to them. They have the virtue of carrying no commitment more binding than "See you in camp this evening".

But equally I want to be free to wake up, say "Nope, not today." and not feel like I have to account for that to anyone else. My schedule will be decidedly elastic, which is one of the virtues of having home as my ultimate destination. There is no prepaid airline ticket looming to drive me to finish by X date, nor will I have to figure out how to spend Y number of unanticipated free days prior to a flight.
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3 years ago
Keith A. SpanglerKeith, I love your thoughts! It is going to be amazing and the longer you travel the closer you'll get to freeing your mind!
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3 years ago
Keith AdamsTo Keith A. SpanglerI'm glad you're enjoying it! Hoping that continues...
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3 years ago