Garfield and Tango Travel the Long and Winding Road - CycleBlaze

Garfield and Tango Travel the Long and Winding Road

Heading south, north and everywhere in between!

By marilyn swett
1,694 miles (2,726 km) over 1180 days since Jan. 2, 2022
The Mile Hi City at last heart 1
The mountains are calling and I must go heart 0
Dance 'til your legs fall off heart 1
Salsa because it's cheaper than therapy heart 1
Carpets of green heart 5
Crazy train heart 11
The wrong side of the tracks is livelier heart 2
Keep on rolling down the tracks heart 4
Welcome to the Hawkeye state heart 1
To travel "wherever the four winds blow...." - Wally Byam heart 2
"To place the great wide world at your doorstep for you who yearn to travel" - Wally Byam heart 3
"Don't stop. Keep on going and go see what's over the next hill." - Wally Byam heart 4
Life is an adventure, enjoy the ride heart 10
"Make no changes, only improvements" - Wally Byam heart 5
"Adventure is where you find it....except home in the rocking chair" - Wally Byam heart 3
Cruising through Airstream country heart 2
Heading for the Mothership heart 0
A soggy day in danceland heart 0
Born to boogie heart 1
In the mood for dance heart 0
Last train to Columbus heart 1
It's the way you ride the trail that counts heart 2
Doin' the Buckeye Bop heart 0
On to Cap City heart 4
And then there were two heart 0
Our church is like fudge, sweet with a few nuts heart 1
Keep calm and shimmy, shimmy heart 1
Cruising through the Great Black Swamp heart 6
Pluviophile, "a lover of rain" heart 1
Movin' on down the road heart 3
Break out the sparklers - it's the 4th of July! heart 0
Money grows in rows heart 2
I'm your boogie man heart 0
I don't need therapy, I just need to dance heart 0
Pack your bags and grab your hat heart 1
I've got a mule and her name is Sal heart 2
It's easier to go down a hill that up it, but the view is better from the top heart 3
On to the Buckeye state heart 0
Back to the Keystone state heart 0
Where's Elvis? heart 0
We face our Waterloo heart 2
Crazy 'bout a bike ride heart 0
Life is better at the lake heart 1
The lake is calling and I must go heart 0
Northward bound heart 2
Never miss a chance to sparkle heart 0
Shopping with the Plain Folk heart 0
Down in the valley, the valley so low heart 0
A drippy day heart 1
Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get to the right place heart 1
Beware those horse apples, Don! heart 0
Into the land of whoopie pies, scrapple and buggies! heart 0
One last chance to boogie oogie heart 0
Recover and regroup heart 0
Just cruising along the Potomac heart 0
Having a monumental day heart 0
Dancing can be hazardous to your health heart 0
Rolling along the river heart 0
Rock Creek Cemetery heart 0
National Cathedral heart 0
Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America heart 0
Seeing the sights the easy way heart 0
What seafood is popular in Washington DC? - Lobbysters! heart 0
Takin' it easy heart 0
Get me to the church on time heart 0
Takin' the 'A' train to Baltimore heart 0
Rained out heart 0
All our wisdom is stored in the trees heart 0
Sweaty Betty heart 0
Home of the free because of the brave heart 0
Dance 'til your heels break heart 0
Follow the yellow brick road heart 0
In the event of a tornado, put some weiners in your pockets so the search dogs will find you first heart 0
Tea for two heart 0
Doing the Capitol cha cha heart 0
Looking for that silver lining among the clouds heart 0
On to the capitol city heart 0
The party's over heart 1
Rambling among the corn fields heart 2
Doing the silver shimmy heart 0
The gathering of the silver twinkies heart 0
Looking for diamonds in Delaware heart 0
Sticking our necks out heart 2
Gettin' our groove back on heart 3
Maryland is for crabs heart 0
A peanut is not a pea nor a nut heart 0
Last day in paradise heart 0
It's wine o'clock somewhere heart 2
Good vibrations heart 0
Shag me baby heart 0
Grand Strand bound heart 1
A sunset is the sun's fiery kiss to the night heart 2
Ballroom dancing is a contact sport heart 2
Lowcountry boogie heart 0
The only place you can find equality is in a cemetery heart 0
The ocean's roar is music to the soul heart 3
Loop de loop heart 0
A different day, a different island heart 1
James Island exploration heart 0
If you get all tangled up, just tango on heart 0
A whole lot of shakin' going on heart 0
A cup of tea makes everything better heart 2
I need a dose of vitamin sea heart 2
Charleston tour heart 1
Exploring the Holy City heart 1
How low can you go? heart 0
Just horsin' around heart 3
Grab your coat and get your hat........Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street heart 0
Stompin' at the Legion heart 0
Every cloud has a silver lining heart 1
"If I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes" - C. Lindberg heart 0
Lights, camera, action! heart 2
The world would be a nicer place if everyone took a chill pill. heart 3
For Peep's sake, have a Happy Easter! heart 1
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet heart 0
Trail fail heart 1
How do you spell "relief"? Day-Off! heart 0
I'm giving her all she's got, Captain! heart 5
Mountain bound heart 0
Georgia on my mind heart 0
A walk on the wild side heart 1
The last thing that blew my mind was the wind heart 0
Country roads are like girls, the best ones got curves heart 3
Let a smile be your umbrella, and you'll end up with a face full of rain heart 0
Well, we're not in the middle of nowhere, but we can see it from here heart 0
I'm just a hoofer with a spare set of tails - Fred Astaire heart 0
Dancing is a sweat job - Fred Astaire heart 1
Capitol city foray heart 2
You lead, I'll follow heart 0
Fool me once, fool me twice, get a shot, get it thrice heart 1
Nothing in the world is friendlier than a wet dog heart 0
I see the light heart 6
Choo choo ch'boogie heart 0
Don't stop the music heart 0
Big Bend country?! Did we take a wrong turn and go to Texas?! heart 0
How does a train eat? Chew, chew heart 1
Don't moose with me heart 0
Keep calm and keep on shagging heart 1
Every storm runs out of rain while every night turns into day heart 0
Do it big, do it right and do it with style heart 1
Doin' the Tally two-step heart 0
Tally ho! heart 2
Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini? heart 0
Making the moose out of life heart 1
Beyond the canopy the sun shines heart 5
Just hanging out heart 0
Swingin' on a song heart 0
Settling in heart 0
Spring forward to a new town heart 2
Oh to be a flapper girl in a Gatsby world heart 1
Gettin' our green on heart 1
I wanna dance with somebody heart 1
Going for a morning swim heart 5
Air you can wear heart 5
All you need is a good friend and a full tank heart 0
Irish wishes, shamrock kisses heart 0
Sorry I missed your call, I was busy dancing to the ring tone heart 2
Drowning our sorrow in thrift stores heart 0
Tour de country club heart 0
Some days are not just for fun heart 0
Happy Fat Tuesday! heart 0
All I need is a good dose of vitamin sea heart 0
Just easy cruisin' heart 0
Just another day in paradise heart 0
From the boonies back to the city heart 9
Checking out the bay heart 3
Biking through the Glades heart 1
Leaving Island time and back to the real world heart 0
Last day in paradise. heart 2
Wait, what?! We're going to the Cuba??!! heart 14
Exploring the Keys heart 9
Bound for Margaritaville heart 0
One sweet ride! heart 6
A lake you say??!! heart 2
Country ramble heart 6
A fungus among us heart 4
Cupid, draw back your bow heart 1
Listen to the beat heart 0
Exploring the preserve heart 0
Cheek to cheek heart 0
Ridin' the rails heart 7
Can you say COLD?! heart 3
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing heart 0
On to the Sunshine State heart 0
A tale of 2 rides and a walk heart 9
Another day, another dance heart 1
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain heart 1
Seas the day heart 3
On the road again heart 2
Getting our boogie on one last time heart 5
Blowin' in the wind heart 3
What's up with all of these canals? heart 3
Water water everywhere heart 3
Finding the fun in Sun City heart 0
Tour de cities heart 5
Gettin' the cat out heart 4
It feels good to be lost in the right direction heart 6
Mesa is no Venice heart 10
If you stumble, make it part of your dance heart 2
Dancing by the light of the moon heart 1
Attack of the golf carts! heart 0
Baby the rain must fall heart 0
Round and round we go heart 1
Back to the valley of the sun heart 0
Practice makes perfect heart 0
1,2,3,4,5,6 repeat heart 0
Two left feet heart 0
I'm not lost, I'm exploring! heart 5
Ride bust heart 11
We've been robbed!! heart 2
Cruising to the sun heart 1
Feel the beat heart 0
Forget your troubles and dance heart 0
A beautiful day in the neighborhood heart 4
South to Tucson heart 1
You can't shovel sunshine heart 5
Exploring Apache Junction on 2 wheels heart 0
All dressed up and no place to go heart 1
Happy New Year! heart 1
Hoofing it for New Year's Eve heart 1
Into the Saguaro forest heart 1
Heading south once again heart 2
Mother Nature strikes again! heart 0
On the road again heart 3