This was oil country: This was cowboy country - The Really Long Way Round - CycleBlaze

May 23, 2016

This was oil country: This was cowboy country

It was raining again in the morning, but that was alright because I was in a house, with a roof, and central heating, and pancakes, and I didn’t have to leave. I met Murray, Ingrid’s husband, who was home from working as a warden in Kananaskis Park and who was both very nice and very tall. And I Skyped with Dea which was wonderful, not least because, thanks to the great competency of Danish opthamologists, her eye was looking so much better. That made me very, very happy.

By 11 am it had stopped raining and I packed my dry belongings back upon my bicycle and bent once again to my task. With the wind at my back I targeted a 100 kilometre day and soon reached Turner Valley. This was oil country and this was cowboy country. This was grassy plains and huge rollercoaster hills and the landscape reminded me of the Tibetan plateau, amongst other places. Snowy peaks poked through the hills to my right at sporadic intervals, reminding me of where I had come from and what I had ahead soon too to look forward to. There was plenty of traffic on the road, but luckily almost all of it was going the other way. With lots of motorhomes and caravans holding up convoys of traffic I guessed it was mostly people heading home to Calgary after the long weekend. Nothing much happened during the day, so here are some photos, and let’s get on to a more exciting post.

Taking a break in Turner Valley - oil country
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Since arriving in Canada and realising that my electric razor did not work I had decided to take a selfie every day in order to document the growing of my beard as I crossed the country. Here is an example of one such selfie
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Luckily the wind was at my back today
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Today's ride: 94 km (58 miles)
Total: 49,953 km (31,021 miles)

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