The 26th and 27th of May 2016: That's right, I'm only three months behind - time for a new writing style - The Really Long Way Round - CycleBlaze

May 26, 2016

The 26th and 27th of May 2016: That's right, I'm only three months behind - time for a new writing style

Hey, so, look, here’s the thing. I’m three months behind with this journal and I want to catch up, and I’m sure you want to find out what happens, or, at the very least, why I’ve recently been asking how many legs a spider has. So I’m going to make a deal with you. From now on I’m going to post very frequently, but in considerably less detail than before. This is so that I can catch up of course, and also because I really can’t remember much about what happened three months ago. Do we have a deal? Good (you don’t really have a choice.)

So I’ll start by congesting Thursday the 26th of May and Friday the 27th of May into one journal entry. Now what happened on Thursday the 26th of May and Friday the 27th of May? Nothing. Okay, let’s move on.

No, wait, I can’t do that. You’ve been waiting so patiently for such a long time to find out what happened on these days. Here, I know what I’ll do, I’ll copy and paste my notes from Thursday the 26th of May:

Thursday 26th May – 132km
Woke up early and saw deer, used wifi at inf centre talk to Dea. Cycled to Lethbridge, 80km fast. Rain was coming, race to library, didnt quite make it. Spent two hours, sun was back, saw MORMONS, flat straight road, was bsuy to Coalville. I took gravel road for a bit, nowhere to cmp at cnal with birds, then to Barnwell where I camped on disc golf course.

You'll notice my enthusiasm at spotting mormons - they look so strange walking around in the modern world in their old fashioned clothes, I'm sure I had a good story about that, but I can't remember, and, you know, no time. Otherwise, I do think it is quite a good writing style don’t you agree? Maybe I can just quickly upload all my notes like this from the last three months, I can be up-to-date with the journal by the end of the weekend.

No, wait, I can’t do that either. It would be a really crap way to ruin this blog that I’ve worked so hard on. I won’t do it again.

Apart from once more:

Friday 27th May – 111km

Woke up on disc golf course. Cycled 12km to Taber, library was closed, went to find electricity, wrote blog post, went to library, arranged to meet vivian tomorrow, went to Walmart, finally left Taber after 6 hours, at 2pm. Wind was at my back, road flat. Uneventful. Saw BIG PINTO BEAN MAN. Really not much happened. Got to Seven Persons and stopped at park with electricity.

There we are. Good.

The Canadian prairies are flat and windy and ideal for wind turbines, but Alberta makes lots of money from oil, so these were the only ones I saw
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Birds flying over a canal. True story.
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Camping on a disc golf course. Disc golf is like golf with frisbees. That's a hole. You have to throw the frisbee in it. Luckily no one was playing on this morning
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The flat prairies looked like flat farmland anywhere. I took a photo of this school bus to prove I was in North America
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They have some good place names in Canada. I was on my way to Medicine Hat
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Today's ride: 243 km (151 miles)
Total: 50,407 km (31,303 miles)

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