Day 18: Brattland Wind Shelter to Storlien - Racpat Scandinavia and the Baltics 2024 - CycleBlaze

July 19, 2024

Day 18: Brattland Wind Shelter to Storlien

Wishing for a day we need our sunglasses again

“Do you have room at the hostel?” Patrick on the cell phone asks the Hostel owner in Storlien. “No, I’m full tonight, but I do have a house,” she offers. We have stopped for a food break, no rain but the lighter wind than yesterday and we are chilled. The destination for today would have been 87 km and another wind shelter. Having done extra kms yesterday and with the chill, a destination for a room is much more inviting.


We pack up and start pushing our bikes up the steep hill to the main road. We only need to stay on this road for a little while when we turn off onto an old road that follows the railway line. We’ve finally accepted that cafes if they exist will not be open until 11am. We start to wonder if the Norwegians like coffee and if we will have better luck with stopping along the way other than bus stalls or just the roadside. The road follows along several lakes, the wind is not that much of a factor today blowing lightly today.

It's a bit cold, but supposedly no threat of rain today.
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We continue to be along the Pilgrim route....this would have nice to see yesterday.
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No coffee stop for us today.
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Periodically we see the little Pilgrim Signs (on the pole to the left)
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Sweden has automatic picture taking of speeding cars. Here though is a fake speed cop.
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Snowmobile sign and trail. To live here, one needs to really like winter sports
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About 20kms to our destination, the sun comes out and there is blue sky. Rachel still tired from yesterday struggles with the rolling hills. We arrive at Storliens Fjallgard, it too is up a steep hill. Patrick calls the owner and she greets us showing us the room. There’s a large sitting area and 4 rooms. Downstairs is the WC, toilet and kitchen. So far we are the only guests staying here in this area.


Patrick rides into town to shop for supplies for the next day, buys some “impulse” purchases and take out Thai food.

Tomorrow into Norway.

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Moving into our room for the night
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Moments later....
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Today's ride: 69 km (43 miles)
Total: 887 km (551 miles)

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