"When you said you live a mile and a half out of town, I forgot a Swedish mile is 10km," Patrick says. A few days ago with Anders FB post asking about accommodations near Ostersund, Bitte offered us a place to stay. Just as we start the last stretch to her home, the sprinkles start. We arrive just in time to a very warm welcome.
We leave the Camp Viking around 0800 continuing on the main road with a wide shoulder.
At Pilgramstad, the wide shoulder disappears and after a food break at the cyclist picnic area (Bus stall) we decide to take a side road that becomes part of the St. Olavsleden Pilgrim route.
Along this road we see lots of cat signs. Just as we were wondering if Pilgrims walk this trail, we see a Swede with a backpack. We stop to talk to him, he walks until about 2100 and then camps. Patrick offers him some bread that he accepts.
Ostersund is across the lake and we see the bridge that we will come back to tomorrow to continue on our way to Trondheim. There is a bike path we take until it ends that marks the road to turn onto to Bitte's place. It's a steep climb gaining 100meters, then the road flattens out on a plateau.
The bridge to Froson Island that we will take tomorrow
As we are climbing the hill, the light rain starts. We find the sign Bitte mentioned to look for, "no traffic" and make our way to Bitte and Matz beautiful place in the forest.
We enjoy a nice afternoon inside watching the rain outside. The Tour de France is on TV and we visit with Bitte until Matz returns home. He is a Priest in the Lutheran Church. Bitte teaches hair dressing. We have a fantastic Swedish meal and great conversation.