"Our bags are packed, we are ready to go. The taxi's waiting outside our door." (John Denver, 1969)
Our guesthouse arranged a taxi big enough to hold bikes and gear to take us to the airport. We arrive early and wait for the check in counter to open, then checking in pay $80 for each bike...good news, all is checked in to Nairobi...so with the 12 hour layover in Istanbul, we don't need to deal with luggage.
The flight to Nairobi even with the half hour delay had us arriving at 8am. First we walk through the Health screen (body temperature scan), see an ATM and withdraw Kenyan shillings before going to immigration. We see lots of signs welcoming Global Entrepreneur Summit (GES) delegates. We get our pictures taken and fingerprinted and pay $50 each for visas, passports stamped, past nothing to declare for customs and outside. First impression! As we enter the crosswalk.....cars stop! No dodging traffic to cross the street.
"Who are you waving to?" Patrick says. Our Warmshowers host has sent a taxi to meet us and he is holding a sign with our names. As with left the airport, rather slowly with all the traffic, we see billboards with "Karibu, President Obama". He is coming to Nairobi to speak at the GES.
We are staying outside Nairobi in Muthiga, a suburb to the west of the city. Patrick has already arranged for a 3 day Masai Mara tour the day after tomorrow.
After 21 years plus a few weeks, we have returned to Nairobi.
Our guesthouse arranged a taxi large enough to fit the bike boxes.