Wow, this is the last day of cycling that ends the first stage of our trip from Ossendrecht, Holland to Tblisi, Georgia. Cycling into and/or out of large cities is never fun and Tblisi tops the list of worst ever! The fact that it was hot didn't help coping with the terrible Georgian drivers. If you've ever cycled in Indonesia you have a sense of what cycling in Georgia is like, except in Indonesia there is order to the chaos, not so here.
We make our way through 15kms of city to the Old Town area where our hostel is located. Now for a break from cycling, arranging a tour to go to the Svanti area of northern Georgia, boxing the bikes and looking forward to stage two, cycling Nairobi to Capetown.
When we stop at a bus stall to take a photo of a faded Stalin painting, a guy takes Patrick to his backyard to show this piece of art. Not sure what the significance is, Patrick is pretty sure the guy isn't buried here though.