Day 6: Rest Day in Winthrop - Racpat Northern Tier 2021 - CycleBlaze

June 6, 2021

Day 6: Rest Day in Winthrop

Recovery and Repair of Patrick's Bike

"Are you touring? Patrick asks the two women on Surly touring bikes, one pulling a dog in a trailer. "We have in the past but now just visiting from Seattle....wait, were you wearing yellow jackets yesterday?" they asked. "We are the ones who honked." These are third road angels yesterday, and being cyclists themselves know when to honk to cheer other cyclists on.

Our day started after a very restful sleep with David and Betsy and breakfast. Patrick cleaned the bike chains, much needed after first cycling the dusty Cascade trail and yesterday’s rain. Betsy places the laundry into the washing machine and clothes are hung on a rack outside to quickly dry. The journal and pictures are caught up, so we walk into town. We have a big lunch at a Mexican Restaurant. David and his brother Jim are both avid woodworkers and Patrick gets tours of both their shops. David has in impressive collection of nicely made jigs, while Jim is honing his skills with marquetry and building chairs with curves every which way.

Before we started on our trip Patrick had notice a small crack in his bike frame, where the left seat stay attaches to the top tube (the cross the seat tube and attach to the top tube creating an extra triangle in the frame, a design feature Jan Groot from Vittorio liked) A friend who builds bike frames in Boise fixed it by putting a weld over it. Because there was some doubt about the integrity of the right seat stay connection Patrick had sanded the metal bare and put some white primer on it. Now, about 250 miles into the trip a small black line has become visible: this side is cracked too. Patrick mentions it to Betsy and guess what: there is a frame builder in Winthrop. David calls him and shortly later we get to speak to Doug with Curtlo cycles. (HOME - Curtlo Cycles) He generously offers to meet us at his workshop to take a look at things. We put the bike on the back of David’s car and drive to the shop. Doug first burns all the paint away to get a good look, then cleans the metal and puts a beautiful braze around the tube connection. Good as new.

We have a nice evening meal with David’s brother Jim and his wife Barbara and their house guest Danny from Idaho. She is the educator for banding birds.

David has a woodworking shop
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Housekeeping duties already, Patrick cleans the bike chains, Rachel does laundry.
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Fellow cyclists who gave us a beep driving by us on the pass to cheer us on
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Ron SuchanekSame color LHT as well have- Jen's blue and mine green
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3 years ago
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David took Patrick to Doug, Curlo cycles, to repair his bike frame
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Kelly IniguezTalk about being in the right place at the right time - with someone nice enough to open up special for you. Good karma all the way! Do you have a journal page somewhere that tells about your bicycles? I asked google - but couldn't see anything about the style of Vittorio bicycle Patrick has. I like interesting frame styles.
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10 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Kelly IniguezI'll have to ask Patrick, but not sure if the Vittorio is still being made. It was a custom bike for him with an extra triangle on the frame. But I thinks this link
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10 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensTo Kelly IniguezI think on our profile page we mention that we are using the same bikes we each had on solo tours in 1992 on all our tours since....of course over the years it's really the frame that is the same
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10 months ago
Kelly IniguezYes - excellent profile page. Yours is a life well lived. Wow!
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10 months ago
Rachel and Patrick HugensThank you Kelly, we feel very lucky to have been able to do all that we have done. Come visit us in Boise sometime!
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10 months ago
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Betsy and David, fabulous warmshowers hosts
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