May 13, 2024
Day 10: Eungella Dam rest day
There’s a reasonable amount of chores to do on a cycle touring rest day, including washing all our clothes in the shower, filtering more water and doing a stocktake of food. We have lots of meals now we’re only two people!
Our neighbours, who we had been maligning for listening to loud music last night came by and offered us the use of their kayaks. So we took them across to the other side of the dam, on their recommendation, and found a little bay where they had taken rock out of the hillside to make the dam wall. It was low very peaceful with lily pads and rock wallabies and lots of birds.
That satisfied my need for an activity on a rest day so I did not ride further up the hill to Eungella. Also it’s 30k one way, that’s a lot.
Everyone told us we were camped on the windy side of the campground so in the afternoon I went to do some route planning on the non windy side while gabby rode up to the transmission tower to see if he could get Optus reception.
He did not succeed, but I got patchy Telstra reception where I was sitting, enough to call sun water about the Burdekin falls dam. They said they do not manage it, that’s TMR but that TMR usually shuts it when the dam is 98% of above and it’s currently 99.6%, so crossing there on Friday is seeming pretty unlikely. I managed to slowly load some maps and think it will add an extra day to go via Ayr for the only bridge over the Burdekin. Which I’ve always thought would be a total shit show to cycle, I hope they have a pedestrian path.
It was very windy overnight, so after being woken up by the wind for the second time and it only being 10pm, I packed up and moved to the non-windy side for a less flat but also much quieter sleep.
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