Tarascon-sur-Ariège to Biert - Looping the Pyrenees - CycleBlaze

May 31, 2024

Tarascon-sur-Ariège to Biert

We only rode 35 km today, but those 35 km included almost 900 m of climbing, almost all in the first 20 km. In that it resembled some of my rides at home but today I had panniers on my bike and views to distract me. 

For whatever reason, I took very few photos today. This route and accommodation were chosen mostly to get to a good base to ride up Col d’Agnes tomorrow (weather permitting) and the name that popped up on the RWGPS website when I was planning. How could we not stay at Les Deux Vélos?

There were a lot of these pink snapdragons (?) on the climb to Grotte de Niaux yesterday. I didn’t get a photo on the way up because we were concerned about time and I didn’t get one on the way down because it was raining and we just wanted to get home. Then I saw a few today.
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Bus stop shelter just outside Beidelhac. It really caught my eye while I was riding by on the opposite side of the road, then I noticed the climber’s expression when I got close for the photo.
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Interior of bus stop shelter
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Opposite side of bus stop shelter
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At this point, just past Saurat, we had already been climbing for about 8 km. However, the next 5 km were noticeably steeper.
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That feeling of accomplishment! Al, of course, had been sitting out of the wind as best he could and waiting for me, having already put on all his layers.
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The view looking back the way we’d come
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Unexpectedly, there was a café at the top.  We, however, had stopped at a bakery for sandwiches and the big Intermarché for fruit and snacks, so we sat at one of the many picnic tables in the grass and ate our lunch. Bonus—the table we chose was out of the wind. 

Flower of the day. I saw many of these on the side of the road as I approached the summit.
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Bill ShaneyfeltOrchid. Not sure of the species. Similar to early purple orchid or maybe a subspecies.

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3 months ago
Scott AndersonBeautiful. An early purple orchid I think, but I’ve never seen one.
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3 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Bill ShaneyfeltI think that’s correct. The leaves (not shown in my posted photo) match and the colour change in the stem is, I think, an unusual feature.
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3 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Scott AndersonI saw quite a few!
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3 months ago

The descent to Massat was cold, though only just past invigorating. Massat looked like a large village but everything was closed at 2:30 in the afternoon. So we continued the short distance to our accommodation where, happily, one of the hosts was there to let us in early.

Les Deux Vélos
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Inside, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the rooms
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In the staircase. Off camera to the left is a large print of when the Tour de France passed by on the road outside.
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There is at least one other touring cyclist staying here, a French man we passed as we started down from Col du Port. I suspect he descended slower than us in an effort to keep warmer; he arrived at the same time as us, probably not having a look for a coffee delay in Massat. 

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Today's ride: 35 km (22 miles)
Total: 1,308 km (812 miles)

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Scott AndersonBe careful tomorrow! Col d’Agnes is where Rachael and I lost each other for nearly four hours, not knowing where either one was. Very unnerving.
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3 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Scott AndersonYeah, we did that in the Rockies between Castle Junction and Vermilion Crossing. Scary in the time before cell phones (though who knows whether either area has service).
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3 months ago
Patrick O'HaraCol d'Agnes is a beautiful pass! Good luck tomorrow.
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3 months ago