Aucazein to Cierp-Gaud - Looping the Pyrenees - CycleBlaze

June 3, 2024

Aucazein to Cierp-Gaud

Marion, our host at Bed in Bellongue, served us a very nice dinner last night. We started with an aperitif (delicious but deadly on an empty stomach), followed by a gazpacho, then duck confit with potatoes dauphinoise, and a slice of pear tart for dessert. So good!  The other guests enjoyed it too, I think. They were all French and all men. Four were travelling by motorcycle (one was obsessively polishing his Harley-Davidson this morning) and one travelling on foot. I noticed some Camino signs in the first couple of villages so perhaps he was doing that. There is a Chemin du Piémont Pyrénéen from Narbonne-Plage to St-Jean-Pied-de-Port where it joins the big one, and it passes through Mas d’Azul, which he was telling me about before dinner. 

The view of the property from our room
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Our room opens onto this lovely terrasse but the weather wasn’t conducive to sitting out here.
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The attached bathroom—there’s no toilet, that’s across the hall with another sink and shower for our exclusive use. I enjoyed the tub.
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This wing is perpendicular to the one we were in. It appears to be undergoing a massive interior renovation.
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The building from the street side
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That’s where we stayed, with the black roof. Doesn’t look like much from this angle…
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Al and I were photographing each other. He’s on the bridge.
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I knew it was traditional to move one’s herds or flocks to higher pastures for the summer. I didn’t know this was called “transhumance” or that it was a public event. This one took place the same weekend as the one through Biert
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We entered a new département just past St-Lary and a fellow on a loaded e-mtb passed me.
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Hmm. Looks not too bad from this sign.
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Flower of the day. Close-up in next photo.
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Scott AndersonWell, that’s freaky. It looks just like a flower I was about to post myself. They’re both campanulas (bellflowers), though google Lens thinks they’re different species. It thinks yours is a campanula patula and mine (a darker, lavender shade) is a campanula poscharskyana.
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3 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltMaybe balloon flower?
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3 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Bill ShaneyfeltI think Scott’s got it this time. The photo doesn’t show the height but campanula is the correct size and habitat.
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3 months ago
Not so easy now the sign for the last km said 9.2%.
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I made it! I like the Haute-Garonne summit signs with the resting cyclist. I think they must be new—no stickers.
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Glad we didn’t come up the other way but the 17% sections were quite short.
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The memorial to Fabio Casartelli, who died after a crash just below this spot during the TdF in 1995.
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Decision time. Should we go this way? Nah. I’ve done it before and Al doesn’t mind skipping it. All I remember is getting wet and cold on the way up and having an omelette in the bar/restaurant at the top, after I’d put on some dry kit in the bathroom. An advantage of lugging all your stuff up the climb.
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Instead, we did this little climb.
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There were cows at the top (and one bull).
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And then we did this. I zoomed past the start-of-climb sign, carrying speed from the descent of Col de Buret, but the grade was at or about 5% all the way. Very pleasant!
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At the summit. There was a café but it was closed. The cyclist with the red bike came from the other direction.
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It was a nice descent from Col des Arès but we were keeping our eyes peeled for food. We hadn’t passed anywhere to pick up supplies or even have a snack stop so we were hungry. We made it all the way to the bottom and almost to our destination before we saw any food possibilities. Then it was a big roadside restaurant, visible in the distance with many cars and even a couple of transport trucks parked nearby. 

Al had a burger with fries and a beer and I had a gigantic salad and a glass of wine. Well-earned.
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Cierp-Gaud, based on what we saw of it, seems to be a bedroom community rather than a village with many services. We were glad to have booked half-board. 

Les Deux Rives, the B&B where we stayed. Very friendly host with a very British sense of humour.
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Another of the homes along the river—the Pique, which flows into the Garonne just a few km to the north.
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The Mairie, Cierp-Gaud
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In Cierp-Gaud
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In Cierp-Gaud Former laundry facility, I think.
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Where the wash water comes from
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The Pique, Cierp-Gaud
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Today's ride: 50 km (31 miles)
Total: 1,470 km (913 miles)

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