Arudy to Tardets - Looping the Pyrenees - CycleBlaze

June 11, 2024

Arudy to Tardets

Today we could have rearranged our accommodation to stay a second night in Arudy and give up our planned day ride from Tardets. However, Col d’Aubisque is still up in the clouds and the weather isn’t forecast to clear. I had such a perfect day in 2016 (moan)…

So today we will continue with the original plan and I hope to come back someday, though there are so many other places to visit and revisit. 

We left Arudy and began with a short warm-up ride down the valley. First on the roads and then we got a taste of the Voie Verte de la Vallée de l’Ossau, which will eventually run all the way from Buzy to Eaux-Bonnes. Then we turned west and the climbing began immediately. 

Definitely not a day to climb if you’re hoping for views
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Patrick O'HaraGood idea. Aubisque isn't going anywhere.
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2 months ago
But we are going to climb! Note the grade for the next km. This is the first sign I saw; we may not have started at the “official” base of the climb.
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Taking a breather and looking down at the valley. Laruns will be off in the distance around the corner somewhere and the climb to Aubisque above it. I think the village we see is Bielle.
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Patrick O'HaraBeautiful shot!
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2 months ago
A few horses in the east part of the Plateau du Bénou
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Rachael AndersonBeautiful photo!
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2 months ago
Looking back at the east side of the Plateau du Bénou. On the extreme left, you can see one of the trio of Caterham 7s that kept leapfrogging me. I stopped a lot and so did they.
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Flower of the day. I saw a blue version of these in full bloom in July on my previous trip.
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Cows stopping traffic on the central part of the Plateau du Bénou. The Citroen in front of me seemed to be the support vehicle for the Caterham 7s, parked in a row in front of it.
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More horses, Plateau du Bénou
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Rachael AndersonWhat a great shot!
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2 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Rachael AndersonI’m planning to Photoshop that sign out of it when I’m home.
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2 months ago
More horses, Plateau du Bénou
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After the plateau, the climb resumes. But really, the plateau is the best part!

Nice new-looking summit sign
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But I like the old one.
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As we rode down, with layers to combat the misty chill, we though that the climb from the west would be the harder route.  The sign at the bottom, in Escot, agreed. 

Descending on the narrow road.
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We reached the valley and rode 4 km north on busy N134 until we escaped onto D918, signed as the “Route du Fromage”, though there were fewer signs about that than I remember.  We stopped to eat our snack in Issor, where we saw the trio of Caterham 7s again. (I’m pretty sure they are the same cars I saw as we climbed out of Seix last week.

Snack break in Issor
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Caterham 7s are pretty distinctive (and tiny). Google if you want to know more.
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We continued to Tardets, our stop for two nights. 

I looked down at my Garmin and had to stop for a photo. We are in Basque country again.
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And Basque beer on the terrace at our hotel. Terrible photo, but I’ll try to do better next time.
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Patrick O'HaraThere is no terrible photo of a cold beer after a well deserved ride.....ever!
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2 months ago
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Today's ride: 57 km (35 miles)
Total: 1,822 km (1,131 miles)

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Scott FenwickThat is too bad that the weather did not cooperate for you and Al. It has been quite unsettled as of late. On the positive side you have been having many great rides and staying dry. But is seeing the sun and a bit of blue sky too much to ask? Anyway, have been enjoying following along and how you manage these weather issues. Hoping that is the end of the wet stuff and smooth sailing to the coast!
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2 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Scott FenwickHah! Wait until I write today’s post!
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2 months ago
Rachael AndersonI love rides like that with all the animals roaming around!
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2 months ago
Jacquie GaudetTo Rachael AndersonSo long as they don’t leave too much evidence on the road.
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2 months ago
Keith ClassenType your comment here
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2 months ago