North to Otranto - Wheelin' Round the Heel - CycleBlaze

October 15, 2024

North to Otranto

I am afraid that today will be a boring recount of gorgeous views. The weather was wonderful, we did have a headwind but it was a welcome cool breeze for the most part, and the views of the Adriatic. Wow. We could never see Albania - too far away - so the deep blue extended to the horizon. On the other side of the ledger, five big hills today - but if you want those views, you gotta climb!

Last night looking at the lighthouse and moon from our balcony, Marjory remarked how she was sure glad we didn't have to climb up there. I held my tongue. Today we started out with the lighthouse climb, and then just kept going up. 

The Leuca lighthouse.
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Before we started climbing though, we turned to look at the beautiful town of Santa Maria di Leuca.

OK, it was worth the climb.
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Now  we started climbing in earnest. We came across several pullouts and great views which I will inundate you with below. First I have to mention that along here we saw glimpses of fabulous estates high above the ocean with long driveways lined by lights and palm trees. If you saw The Crown on Netflix, I imagine these places like where Lady Diana vacationed. There are pools and cabanas peeking out here and there, but the trees hid most of the grounds, so no photo really captures them. However, here are a few of our views as we cycled along.

Typical pullout.
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Notice the different (pale) blue of the sky vs the deep blue of the sea. The horizon is very clear.

Craggy shorefront.
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Modest mansion.
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Towns in coves (down below), then climb to another view.
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Here we go up...
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You may have to expand the pic to see the tiny pink speck making her way up the hill! Neither of us complained though, as it was so pretty.
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Marjory SwordHa! I complained!
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5 days ago
Patrick ParnoMaybe a little...
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5 days ago
On the way down to a "cove town".
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They look a lot cooler than us. So jealous, but didn't want to get covered in salt and then back on the bikes.
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We stopped for a caffeine and sugar fix. Coke for Marjory, Pain au Chocolait and cappuccino for Pat.
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Talk about a safe harbour!
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Now that pool next to the ocean looked inviting....
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We were up in the highlands after climbing out of this town, and saw several different types of radar at a huge installation. It was double fenced with razor wire etc around it - I was afraid to take a photo in case the military came streaming out to confiscate my memory chip! I assume it is a NATO installation.

And then we are streaking down to Otranto. Tomorrow we climb (of course) out of this pretty town and head to Lecce where we will stay two days. I hope to get a few more pics around town, and also get my bike fixed finally. See you there!

from Puglia Cycle
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Today's ride: 53 km (33 miles)
Total: 380 km (236 miles)

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