Day 41 - still at Lincoln, NE - Following the Ponca Trail - CycleBlaze

August 24, 2024

Day 41 - still at Lincoln, NE

I slept very well last night in this motel room bed. Up at 5:45am. I hoped to get some reports posted today, but I also had sightseeing I wanted to do. First of course, breakfast. Walking was the way I planned to get around today. The nearest place serving breakfast was Early Bird. They open at 6:30am, and that's when I left the motel. I was surprised when I got there 10 minutes later that the door next to the street was locked. I could see workers inside getting ready for the day, so I decided to walk up to the Capitol and then back to try them at 7:00am. The street-side door was still locked. I could see customers inside now, and finally figured out that the door on the parking lot side is their main entrance. Anyway, once inside I had a great meal: eggs, bacon, and Cinnamon Roll Pancakes.

Back at my room I got started on the report for Day 37. I was able to get that posted before my next deadline, which was to be at the Capitol before their first tour of the day at 10:00am. I got there plenty early. There were three other people there, so our group started out as four. Susan was our tour guide. There's meanings behind all the architecture and artwork in and on the building. Susan did a good job pointing out all the details. After the guided tour we were set free to wander around and go up to the observation platform in one of their very small elevators. There are more paintings inside the top dome. One of them depicts the 1879 trial of Chief Standing Bear. The lighting wasn't right for a good picture of that painting. Observation platforms were open on three sides, I think south, east, and north, though I was kind of turned around so I can't say for sure. I wandered around some more when I was back on the lower levels, then finally left just after noon.

My phone needed charging, due to taking so many pictures, so I headed back to my motel room, stopping on the way at Super C gas station for two bottles of Dr Pepper and two bottles of Gatorade. I put the Gatorade in the motel room freezer, and drank one of the Dr Peppers as I continued working on the next report that needed posting. I didn't have that done, but at 1:45pm I decided that I needed to move on with my afternoon touring plans.

I definitely wanted to see Centennial Mall, and maybe a museum. I'd made a list of museums that I could visit: Sheldon Museum of Art, Great Plains Art Museum, or Nebraska History Museum. Nebraska History Museum is along Centennial Mall, so that's where I ended up. That turned out to be more interesting than I thought it would be. I wasn't out of that building until 3:20pm. Next was to walk Centennial Mall, which is a seven block public area between the University of Nebraska campus and the Capitol. Even with map in hand, I was backtracking now and then to find what I was looking for. There's another statue for Chief Standing Bear here. The lighting was again wrong for a good picture. I guess I should have done my day in reverse. On up a ways toward the Capitol is a huge map of Nebraska etched on paving stones on the ground. On the map are medallions marking each camp location for the Ponca Trail of Tears, sort of like the map I made. I didn't know this was here.

I'd started my Mall walk at the far north end, and ended up at the south end next to the Capitol, which was a short walk back to my motel, and I was there at 4:18pm. Time for that other Dr Pepper from the refrigerator. I got the report for Day 38 posted, then headed off for supper at 5:15pm.

I'd decided on Canyon Joe's Barbecue, which is half a block away to the northeast. They had a sign on their door saying, "Sold Out. Thank you!!" So I headed off a half block to the southwest to Tico's Restaurant. I had their Deluxe Burrito, served by a waitress who was on her second day at the job. She did great.

I was back at the motel room for good at 6:25pm. I've been working on picture selections ever since. I stopped working on that to write this evening report, but I'm almost done now.

Two more days of bicycle riding and I should be back at my truck. Looks like the ending will be as hot as the start. But I should be acclimated by now. And, I'll have a couple bottles of frozen Gatorade with me!


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reflecting the early morning light
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wedding party crashing our tour
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Vestibule mural "The First Furrow"
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Great Hall mural "The Building of the Capitol"
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Great Hall mural "The Blizzard of 1888"
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Rotunda mural "The Labors of the Heart"
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East Chamber doors
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West Chamber where the Unicameral Legislature meets
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Elevator ceiling
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Memorial Chamber showing murals "The Scourge of Poverty", "The Ideal of Universal Peace", and "The Scourge of Plague".
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Memorial Chamber showing murals "The Scourge of Famine", The Ideal of International Law", and "The Perils of Fire".
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Memorial Chamber mural "The Ideal of Freedom" depicting the 1879 trial of Chief Standing Bear.
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Observation Deck passageway
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14th Floor Observation Deck view of Centennial Mall (looking north)
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14th Floor view of the motel I'm staying at
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southside view
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party bike!
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Chief Standing Bear statue at Centennial Mall
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Susan La Flesche Picotte - sister of Susette La Flesche Tibbles (Bright Eyes). Bright Eyes was interpreter for Chief Standing Bear at his trial.
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map of Ponca Trail of Tears through Nebraska, starting at Niobrara River
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Upper line is Missouri River. Lower line is Niobrara River.
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Upper line is Big Blue River. Lower line is Nebraska-Kansas border.
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view of Nebraska State Capitol from Centennial Mall
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"Sold out"
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Tico's bar window
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Nancy GrahamI am not a big museum buff, and choose only those that seem more interesting than holding old farm and home appliances, machines, and memorabilia. I think those you visited in Lincoln, Nebraska seem quite the kind I would visit. A nice review and pictures of all (or most) that you saw.
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1 month ago
Jeff TeelTo Nancy GrahamNancy,
Often I don't know what a museum holds until I get inside. I don't know why, but the first floor of the Nebraska History Museum, which was on archeology, didn't interest me much at all. Maybe I was in too much of a rush. However, finding on the second floor the headdress that Chief Standing Bear gave one of the lawyers at his trial was a quite a surprise. I didn't know that was there!
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1 month ago