Day 34 - ending at McPherson, KS - Following the Ponca Trail - CycleBlaze

August 17, 2024

Day 34 - ending at McPherson, KS

Day 34 - St. Joe, KS to McPherson, KS
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It was very pleasant overnight with a slight east breeze blowing through the tent. Woke up this morning at 6:12am. My destination for today is McPherson RV Ranch on the northeast side of McPherson, Kansas. A shorter day at 54 miles. I was hoping, and it was so, that I had routed on paved roads for today - for all but for 2 miles.

The problem with today's route was the nearest place for breakfast was 10 miles away. I got started at 8:10am. It was a beautiful morning heading north on a smooth road with a southeast tailwind. The town where there is a cafe is Yoder. I arrived there at Carriage Crossing Restaurant and Bakery ("Where our daily bread . . . is homemade.") at 9:04am. I was guessing this is an Amish area just from the name of the town. Seeing many Amish customers inside convinced me even more. I went with their Traditional Country Breakfast, and held off ordering a sweet roll to see how full I was. I didn't have room for the sweet roll. The couple in the booth next to me ordered a sweet roll, but split it between the two of them. I'm glad I'm not further behind on my schedule than I am already. Next Saturday is Yoder Heritage Day.

I rode through downtown then got back on Yoder Road. This road has a buggy-wide shoulder north of town. At 10:36am, I turned east on Illinois Avenue. I wasn't fighting the wind too much, it seemed to have turned a little more from the south. However, I was being pelted by grasshoppers. The big ones smack you pretty good when they hit you in the face.

This morning and part of the afternoon I listened to KRBB, 97.9MHz out of Wichita. They play '80s '90s and today's hits. I wished they'd thrown in '70s.

I arrived in Burrton at their water tower right at noon. 26.3 miles this morning. I made my way through town then stopped at Kwik Shop for a Sprite with ice, chocolate milk, and a package of Zingers. Putting ice and soda in my now spare thermos worked out pretty well yesterday, so I did that again today. I had 27 miles to go when I left town going north on Burmac Road. With the mostly south tailwind I was making really good time. After about 12 miles, I was looking for a place to pull over where there was some shade. I finally found a spot. I don't think I was drinking quite enough water, so I tried to make up for that at that break.

At 3:08pm I was just south of McPherson. I turned east on Iron Horse Road, then north and east some more to get on some bicycle paths. That led me right to Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Store. I was planning to have a banana split there, then thought I should eat something more nutritious first. That meal filled me up to the point that I had no room for a banana split. I did spend $1.36 for a large cup of ice as I left, which I've been enjoying all evening. 

I had just two more miles north to go to get to the campground. I was at the office at 4:38pm. The owner Jim greeted me, then said they're not set up for tent camping. He asked if I had referenced their old website, which they haven't been able to get off the internet. That site talks about "Tenting under the stars." I told him yes that was where I got my information. Then I asked about motel recommendations. Of course, being local, he didn't have much of an idea. I thanked him and got ready to leave. Before I was away he came back and said there was maybe a solution for me tonight. There's a house behind the RV park, and the occupant had just moved out. He offered I could camp in the backyard of that house. There's an outdoor outlet on the house, and Jim offered me a long extension cord so I could set up the tent wherever I wanted and have electricity. This would work! In the office I got registered with Lori, Jim's wife. In my journal posts I include information about the campgrounds I stay at in case that might be helpful to others who are planning trips. In this case, the helpful information is there's no tent camping at this RV park - except for me tonight and tomorrow night. There are however, very kind owners here. I'm staying two nights. I need a shower, need to get laundry done, and need to post several days to my journal. The only downside is food places are about 2 miles away. But hey, I have a bicycle.

As soon as I got the tent set up, I gathered dirty clothes, then took a shower. Laundry was next. I'll probably be heading to bed before I get any significant work done on postings. In the meantime, it sure feels nice to be clean again!


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dry dock
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Yoder Road
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Arkansas River
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Illinois Avenue
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Only two miles of gravel today :)
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Bill ShaneyfeltAlways liked finding these as a kid. Caught bugs and tossed them into its web to see it grab and spin silk around the future dinner.

We called them golden garden spiders.
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1 month ago
Jeff TeelTo Bill ShaneyfeltBill,
Thanks again. I was wondering how bad its bite would be. This fellow seemed pretty calm.
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1 month ago
Bill ShaneyfeltThat one is a female. Males are small and inconspicuous. I have never been bitten, but from what I read, only causes a little pain and itchiness... then they say, as they do about all bites, -unless you are allergic-
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1 month ago
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crossing Bicycle Route 76
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looking west as I turned east onto Iron Horse Road
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Shower and laundry done. Bedtime!
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Today's ride: 54 miles (87 km)
Total: 1,217 miles (1,959 km)

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