Day 18 - ending near Randolph, KS - Following the Ponca Trail - CycleBlaze

August 1, 2024

Day 18 - ending near Randolph, KS

Day 18 - Marysville, KS to Randolph, KS
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Up at 5:20am. Had coffee at 6:00am. I'm wondering about my truck. I heard that Omaha had 90 mph winds yesterday!

Had the motel breakfast at 7:20am. Packed up and left at 9:07am.

I went through downtown to get out of Marysville. Came across some murals outside the library, so stopped to take some pictures. April Spicer, the artist happened to be there working. She mainly paints pictures of classic cars, but it's easy to see her talents go way beyond that!

Historic Trails Park just south of Marysville was my next stop. Then it was backroads east of US-77 to get to Blue Rapids, Kansas.

The hills didn't seem too bad in the morning. It sure was pleasant in the shade with the north wind blowing. But it was hot out in the sun.

Noon mileage report: 13.1 miles near Elm Creek.

I was in Blue Rapids at 12:56pm. My first choice for a place to eat, an ice cream place, wasn't open so I backtracked to East Side Cafe.

My plan called for me camping out at the park in Blue Rapids, but I figured I could at least make it to Fancy Creek Area of Tuttle Creek State Park. I used backroads to get to there, also. A lot more hills in the afternoon. My right arm was hurting a lot this afternoon and more so this evening. Not sure if it's from too much typing yesterday or too much pushing the bike today.

I had to ride some on narrow shoulder US-77 to get to the park, but that worked OK because traffic was light.

The park camping fees are $10 for primitive, or $19 with electricity. I decided to try without electricity tonight.

Not sure where I'll be tomorrow night. Got to do some figuring, since I'm off on my planned evening stays.

Right now I'm going to look for my pain pills, and see if I can find a way to lay my arm without it hurting.


protected from last night's storm
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April Spicer
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Even her signature is art!
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Historic Trails Park
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[June 16, 17, 1877 - Marysville]
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Rich FrasierI'm thinking Cary Grant in "North by Northwest" here...
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2 months ago
Jeff TeelTo Rich FrasierRich,
It seemed like that sort of day.
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2 months ago
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Elm Creek Cemetery
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Elm Creek
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noon break
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[June 18, 19, 1877 - Elm Creek. 9 miles]
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Blue River
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afternoon break
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[June 20, 1877 - 10 miles]
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I'm going right on Rose Hill Road.
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Fancy Creek
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[June 21, 1877 - Fancy Creek. 12 miles]
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Today's ride: 44 miles (71 km)
Total: 576 miles (927 km)

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