May 9, 2019
Around Lake Annecy
So Much Fun to be Had
Today was another totally unexpected day. We had so much fun. Some of it was the kind of fun we expected to have but both lunch and our ride were unexpected fun.
We went to bed secure in the knowledge of a reasonable weather forecast and a ride around Lake Annecy and up over Col de la Forclaz. Well, something happened overnight and we woke up to unremitting rain. Rain that carried on throughout a long, leisurely breakfast and numerous croissants and cappuccinos. The online forecast was completely different too, and not in a good way. So we went for a walk.
We went to Barbich to track down the beautiful Typhanie, Kelly’s friend. The restaurant was closed but they welcomed us in regardless and we mastered the art of the two cheek kiss French greeting. It was just so great to meet someone in France who knew our almost daughter in law. We were messaging Kelly in real time. Modern technology certainly is amazing.
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We took our leave as they were busy getting ready for the day. We wandered through the old town, staying under eaves when possible and looking for a water bottle. We were a fail in the water bottle department, perhaps because we were having so much fun looking at tortes and tartes and cakes and savouries. Today was shaping up to be all about the food. We even picked up an Opinal knife with bicycles going up a mountain on the handle. How could we not buy it? It will be our picnic knife.
Well, it was still raining, and all this admiring of food made us hungry so we went back to Barbich. What a superb decision that was. Out of the tourist zone, Cristèle to explain the process to us and the most amazing food. Absolutely amazing.
I loved the concept. A small menu, done superbly and delivered by the chef. We were able to have another visit with Typhanie and we lingered over lunch until at least 2 PM. We had the most wonderful time. I still marvel that we were having a real time conversation with Kelly, who is engaged to our son in Canada, while she is in Sydney Australia, while eating lunch in Annecy France, which was being prepared by her girlfriend Typhanie. It was very special. Very special.
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We had an appetizer, a main course and dessert. This blog really is shaping up to be all about the food. What better to do on a rainy day than eat?
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We staggered out of there feeling like we wouldn’t need to eat again for a week. An absolutely awesome experience. We were so full, and it was STILL raining that we decided we would take my bike to the local shop for a quick look at the derailleur and then have some nap time.
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They hope to come to Canada, and have our contact information. That would be so much fun. So with no need to head to a bike shop we headed back upstairs for that nap. Keith looked out the window and saw sun! An opening to ride around the lake. Who cares that it was 4 in the afternoon. We threw on our biking clothes and went down to the garage. By the time we were wheeling the bikes onto the street it was raining again. We decided to go for it anyway.
We started in the rain, and so late in the day that we knew before we began that Col de la Forclaz was not going to happen, but tomorrow is supposed to be a good day, so we assumed that the wee bit of sunshine we saw was the beginning of the clearing weather. You already know the gods were laughing at us, don’t you? We both wanted to go for it though, so off we went.
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When we passed the turn up to Col de la Forclaz we felt a pang, but it was far too late in the day to consider it. We were almost at the end of the lake, feeling pretty happy about the improving weather and Keith said something to the effect dispel any suggestion that we might be wimps you should point out in the blog that we set out, voluntarily, in the late afternoon to cycle around Lake Annecy under what one could only describe as brutal conditions. The pounding rain drops and near gale force winds were simply no match to our drive and determination...he, of course, was wildly exaggerating and making me laugh.
Don’t tempt fate folks. The words were no sooner out of his mouth than one of those mountain storms blew in. We were at exactly the opposite end of the lake, as far from our fluffy white duvet as we were going to be today. The wind piped up and it started to pour. We booked it back towards Annecy as fast as we could, having an amazingly good time as the whole thing was so hilarious. It was a basically flat track, we were unloaded and we could fly. I had to stay well behind Keith as he had a remarkable rooster tail behind his bike. He couldn’t believe I didn’t have my rainpants on...I told him I was a birdbrain...or I like wet underwear. Take your pick. He picked birdbrain hehe.
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2 years ago
The rain let up just as we reached Annecy. I swear my shoes weighed a half a kilo each when I took them off as they had absorbed so much water. We have one of those amazing towel warmers in the bathroom and shoes, socks and gloves are drying in there now. We loved every minute of the ride.
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We have, of course, eaten again. The weather forecast is good for tomorrow so we will see. I am not believing anything until I see it with my own eyes in the morning since it is 9:30 PM and absolutely bucketing with rain out there. We are moving on to Aix les Bains tomorrow, regardless. We are looking forward to it.
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Patrick O'Hara and Susanna Mulligan here writing from Vancouver BC. Not sure how we are going to keep up with you all on tour from our neck of the woods in Cascadia....The Andersons, you two, Jaquie Gaudet and the Grampies (although their tour prematurely ended). Anyways, enjoying following along on your journey. When we rode the loop around the lake in 2017, we had much better weather that you! Reading your blog is putting butterflys in our stomachs for our upcoming tour in July and August. Tail Winds!
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
And the Relive. I wish it could show the rain!
Today's ride: 43 km (27 miles)
Total: 460 km (286 miles)
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4 years ago
3 years ago
All the best! Keith
3 years ago
3 years ago