Costa Rica - on a bike? - Grampies Go Valencia to Leipzig, Spring 2025 - CycleBlaze

February 4, 2025

Costa Rica - on a bike?

There are two possible reasons why one would think about biking in Costa Rica. The first would be the one we consider for any country, the pleasure of riding along the highways and byways, looking at the landscape, appreciating the architecture, the food, the people, and etc. We think we can knock this reason off really quickly, because whatever we might think of the landscape, food, people, etc. the highways are just too generally narrow, crowded, or hilly to allow for much pleasure. That of course applies to us crabby old timers. Younger folks can and do view all manner of challenges as adventure. And, they are welcome to it!

The second reason to think about biking in Costa Rica is a little abstract.  We would take the main reason for going to Costa Rica at all to be eco-tourism. That could be kayaking, zip lining, snorkeling, or in very many cases birding. (And yes, there are some just nice beaches to lie on.) Despite the beaches, one could generalize and say that the fun spots are up a volcano or back in the jungle somewhere. That opens the question of how to get to and among the spots. i.e. transportation. Bike riding is not just fun, it is also transportation. So how about it? The answer here too is that with often crowded, narrow,  and/or hilly roads, bike is just not the best way to go.

Near San Jose, so much traffic, and no shoulders!
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 We have asked ourselves what then is the best way to go.  In Europe where fun could involve cathedrals or museums or shopping, a bus or train to downtown could work as a way to get there. But when the fun is at a lodge back in the bush, you need either a rented car or some sort of taxi-like service. Transport like that is normally costly, and especially with taxi, once you are back in the bush, meals will not be possible with  a trip to a grocery store, or even a small restaurant in a town. It's a situation where our whole concept of cycle touring, and of finding accommodation and food falls apart. 

Out in the country, still no shoulders. But maybe a pineapple could fall off a truck for us?
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We would love to be corrected by someone who has figured a way around the pitfalls, but right now we just don't see it. It means we are either saving up for a guided Costa Rica tour, or sticking to countries and routes better known as appropriate for cycling. As in the past, that puts us mainly in Europe, though there will be lots of advocates out there for parts of Asia, and even (horrors!) America. So that's why this blog will (eventually) be about Spain, France, and Germany!

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Rachael AndersonWe are lucky right now to be in Tucson, Arizona, one of the very few places in The USA, with 50 miles of dedicated biking trails and good weather in the winter.
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2 weeks ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Rachael AndersonUnfortunately for us we are boycotting all things from the US in a show of Canadian patriotism. We will not enter US territory, even for airplane transfers, until after the next election or perhaps later than that depending on the political situation. We still have many dearly loved American friends however and hope we can continue to count you among their number.
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2 weeks ago
Rachael AndersonTo Steve Miller/GrampiesDefinitely! I’m very unhappy about the political situation here and am looking forward to going to Europe! I’m just glad that Tucson and Portland are politically liberal.
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2 weeks ago
Karen PoretYou’re unhappy about the political climate? Ugh, I have to live in it. Going to the Netherlands for four weeks will at least ease my angst. Grateful I “fit in” there looks wise, with blonde hair and blue eyes despite my short height.
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2 weeks ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Karen PoretWill you be sharing your adventures in a journal some time, Karen?
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2 weeks ago
Karen PoretTo Suzanne GibsonI am going to try! Remember, though, I “ cheat” somewhat by being on a barge and bike . 🤔
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2 weeks ago
Steve Miller/GrampiesTo Karen PoretOther people have blogged their barge and bike tours already. It will get you into joining as an active cycling blogger. Welcome!
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2 weeks ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Karen PoretI agree with what Steve said. I don't think that's cheating - I ride an e-bike and some might consider that cheating, too.
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2 weeks ago