To Millau - You lead me away from home, just to save you from touring alone - CycleBlaze

May 5, 2022

To Millau

The clouds were very low this morning but it was not raining and the roads appeared to be mostly dry. Breakfast had been scheduled for a little later start at 09:00 in hopes that the weather would continue to improve. Today would also be a shorter ride to Millau - the largest center on the Tarn - so an early start would not be necessary.

We found it hard to believe that after completely stuffing ourselves at dinner last night we were ready to eat again this morning, but Nadine our host was expecting us. She had prepared a simple continental breakfast but everything was of a top notch locally sourced quality. What we could not eat  she wrapped up and organized for our lunch. 

We left the small village of Melvieu without really having a look around other than seeing the local church and a few surrounding buildings. At 10:15 we said good bye to Nadine and were back on the road to complete the final part of the hill that we had left from yesterday`s ride.  We were on our way to Saint Victor which is about 5 kms away.  Saint Victor is the other part of the two joined communes known as Saint-Victor-et-Melvieu. Combined they have a population of a little more than 300 inhabitants.

Looking back at Melvieu.
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Welded metal sculpture beside the road on the way out of the town of Melvieu. We have now seen a few of this style of sculpture . They are done by a local artist. They are very creative in their use of various metal pieces all welded together. You will need to zoom in to get all the detail.
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The road up. It is a little over 150 metres vertical to Saint Victor.
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Our ride began in low clouds but by the time we reach Saint Victor we had removed our jackets and the sun was starting shine. We explored the small town and were impressed  with its beauty of course, but also how well kept and clean everything appeared. Another pretty, small town in France. 

Reaching the top of the hill just before Saint Victor.
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At Saint Victor looking at the surrounding land. The sun is just starting to come out and the low cloud is burning off.
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Another eample of the welded metal art. This one is in Saint Victor.
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House in Saint Victor.
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Archway into Saint Victor dates back to the 13th century.
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We added a layer of clothing back on, in anticipation of a twisty turny 9 km downhill run to Saint-Rome-de-Tarn.  The divided highway we had been on became a narrow single lane road as we made our way downhill toward the river. The ride was nothing but fun as we zig zagged back and forth taking each sharp turn carefully. It was a long way down  and Pat was glad that this was not the route we had needed to get up to Melvieu!  As an added bonus we only saw one car and that was coming from the other direction when we had stopped at a picnic area to look down from above at the river.

A great view from up on the hill looking down on the Tarn.
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A very old road side building that has some great rock work but without some love, it`s best years are behind it.
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KAREN JONESMaybe if you sold your house in Burnaby...
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2 years ago

Saint-Rome-de-Tarn, our first stop, was a perfect location for our daily coffee break. We stopped at he local hotel / restaurant and were seated at a sunny table on the patio to enjoy our espresso and cappuccino. It was the lunch hour and the inside restaurant was vey busy, so it must be a good place for lunch. From Scott`s research, there was no space available in the hotel last night either.

We were now half way to Millau, our destination for the day, as we crossed the bridge to the North side and continued our ride along the Tarn.

Crossing at Saint Rome de Tarn
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A few kilmetres outside of Millau,  riding around a corner you see the most amazing sight. The Viaduc de Millau. The bridge has been consistently ranked as one of the greatest engineering achievements of modern times. In fact,  Tripadvisor shows that a tour of the bridge is the number one thing to do when visiting Millau. It is kind of cool to ride underneath it but that was the extent of our site seeing.

According to Wikipedia, in 2020 it was the world's tallest bridge. The bridge is supported by seven huge pillars that rise 803 feet from ground level, .
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We arrived in Millau in the early afternoon and  the skies were getting black. After checking into our room - the skies opened! Sure enough, we had just beat the rain again. We spent some time catching up on the blog and then went out to the see a bit of the town. It was an early night for us. 

One last note: Our hotel in Barcelona has advised that our suitcases have arrived! 

Our hotel is on the left side of the picture. Looks like rain to us but we arrived dry.
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Rachael AndersonGlad you made it in dry! Isn’t it a wonderful feeling beating the rain?
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2 years ago
A closer look at La Puncho d'Agast as seen from our hotel.
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Today's ride: 40 km (25 miles)
Total: 195 km (121 miles)

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Scott AndersonI’m so happy to hear your suitcases arrived. Grr.
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2 years ago
Rachael AndersonWe aren’t going to this area this year but I definitely want to get back there!
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2 years ago