October 2, 2016
Sun 2nd Oct: Sosenado to Malargue
A vivid blue sky morning, a frosty nip in the air as I pedal at a brisk pace with the Andes ahead blanketed in snow, as tall elm trees stripe shadows across the road the final kilometres to Sosneado; which I reach in time for a midmorning break at the village petrol station.
I fill up on water for the day here. I've stopped buying Coca Cola, cause its got too dear. I now mix water with a cordial that comes in powder form in a small satual, costing five pesos, that makes up two litres of juice. It tastes good.
The road on from the village continues toward the Andes for about five kilometres, before veering left, dropping down and crossing a long bridge over Rio Atuel. Rising steeply up the other side of the bridge a bit before levelling out, the road runs parallel to the mountains for the rest of the way.
Its open tan coloured plain of low scrub bushes, with the snow covered mountains to the right. Until after about thirty kilometres I reach a forest closing in on either side of the road, though close up it isn't forest but irigated farmland enclosed by tall elm tree windbreaks. There are light brown tilled fields and pasture field where cattle raise their heads to stare at me passing.
Well, having been to the tourist office here in Malargue, where they gave me a map with hostels marked, I'm now sitting waiting for someone to turn up to open the hostel. The second hostel I've tried, the first having a closed sign on the door.
Later, a woman having turned up so I could check in, I have a long walk to a supermercado. There I spend a long time. Increasingly these days it takes a lot of looking at prices, trying to plan a meal that won't cost too much.
I put wine in the basket. I think I've earned it, even though its marked at 45 pesos, or three euros. A lot by European wine country prices.
In the end I go for potatoes and an assortment of vegetables for stir-frying, that comes to a whopping 150 pesos at the check out.
Tonight having reached Malargue, a ski and outdoor resort town, I can say I've almost reached Patagonia.
Today has been a short easy day and there are two short days in the coming week. Or part rest days.
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