Gauting to Markt Indersdorf - A Ring around Munich - CycleBlaze

October 6, 2024

Gauting to Markt Indersdorf

We got off to an earlier start than we intended. We had finished packing and were saddled up by 10:15 and instead of sitting around and twiddling our thumbs we got on the road. If we had waited an hour it would have warmed up from 8C to 12C. It felt very chilly and after five minutes I stopped to put on another layer. 

I ride the first five kilometers of today's route at least once a week, so there was nothing new to me and I tried to see what might be interesting if you haven't come this way hundreds of times. We stopped at the first, or was it the second, bridge over the Würm for an autumnal shot with puddles and horse chestnuts on the ground. In the course of the day we cross the Würm several times. Our ride continues through a lovely park bordering on Munich, Pasinger Stadtpark. The closer we get to Munich, the more joggers, walkers, dog people and cyclists crowd the path. No wonder, it's Sunday and the sun is shining. In the beginning we are on quiet residential streets and then bike paths which take us back and forth over the Würm, under the railroad line and under a busy highway. Lots of twists and turns make for slow going but that's okay, we're not in a hurry.

Leaving from the front door
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Crossing the Würm
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In Pasinger Stadtpark
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On the banks of the Würm
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Our path takes us under the train tracks
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Our first stop ist Schloss Blutenburg. The story about Duke Albrecht III, who had Blutenburg rebuilt starting around 1430, and Agnes Bernauer is familiar to most Bavarians. Duke Albrecht married a girl from the common folk who was known for her beauty, Agnes Bernauer, which was of course not befitting his status. In the end, Albrecht's father had Agnes arrested and thrown from a bridge into the Danube. That's the short version, anyway.

Schloss Blutenburg
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Gothic chapel - Schlosskapelle - at Blutenburg, 1488
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Lovely and well preserved gothic interior
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I always look for a St. James.
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Outside the chapel and castle, horse chestnuts cover the ground.
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Herzog Albrecht III and Agnes Bernauer
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We follow the Würm to Dachau and have our eyes pealed for a place to stop and warm up. We are in luck when Janos spots a bakery with indoor seating and a nice selection of cake. 

Janos gets coffee and cake.
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Pumpkin cake and green tea for me
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Rachael AndersonThe cake looks delicious!
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2 weeks ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Rachael AndersonIt was!
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2 weeks ago
Jacquie GaudetSuch restraint! I would have been challenged to take a photo before gobbling up that cake!
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1 week ago

Getting past Dachau is a bit tedious. We don't go through the historic center, we are eager to put Dachau behind us. It's kilometer 30 and we haven't gotten into the countyside yet. Here we leave the Würm which flows into the Amper which in time will empty into the Danube.

Bridge over the Amper
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The last ten kilometers or so are lovely. We are either on small roads or bike paths next to roads with faster traffic. We stop at the church in Sigmertshausen that Janos has noted to be interesting. Unfortunately the doors are locked so we just browse around the little cemetery surrounding the church. The graves are well tended with elaborate tombstones and covered in flowers. In small towns and villages family burial plots are never seen neglected.

Finally open countyside
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Almost no cars
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St. Vitalis, Sigmertshausen, 1755
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Let's have a look.
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Cemetery watering cans
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Approaching Markt Indersdorf
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Our hotel is a few kilometers before we reach Markt Indersdor which we will visit tomorrow. We are a little early for check-in and just sit around soaking up the sun. Everything has been perfect today, the weather, the route, and the hotel is new, it has heating and a garage for our bikes. 

Hotel Doll, our lodging for the night
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Karen PoretHow uncanny is this! We went to a glass artist home yesterday for Open Studios and purchased a piece of art for our yard with these very colors and like design! :)
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2 weeks ago
Suzanne GibsonTo Karen PoretAmazing!
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2 weeks ago

We settle in, shower and then Janos says he thinks he forgot something... This time it's not his wallet with ID, credit cards and money. Done that. We almost never forget the same things twice. This time it's his meds. Oh no, a week without his meds won't do. Since we are on the train line to Munich, Janos figures he could take the train home and be back by eleven. Or take the train tomorrow and be back by noon. Neither idea is very appealing. New idea, he will call his doctor and ask him to send his prescriptons to a pharmacy in Markt Indersdorf. Let's hope that works. We have our fingers crossed. Tomorrow will tell.

We get back on our bikes and ride the short distance into town for a warm meal. It's dark for the ride back to our hotel and the temperature has dropped. We are looking forward to a sunny and warmer day tomorrow, and that Janos can get his prescriptions filled. Stay tuned!

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Today's ride: 41 km (25 miles)
Total: 41 km (25 miles)

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Steve Miller/GrampiesHope all works out with Janos' meds. Not a good thing to forget.
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2 weeks ago
Nancy GrahamI know about rides one does over and over and over, but if, like you, looking with eyes that have not been on the route can show a lot ;’-). Interesting photos Suzanne and what a great trail and roadway you have. Hoping the best for Janos’ med situation 😉.
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2 weeks ago
Kathleen JonesWhat a lovely day.
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2 weeks ago
Rachael AndersonYou live in a beautiful area for cycling!
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2 weeks ago