Day 58 - Blowing in the Wind - Rollin' ocean to ocean - CycleBlaze

June 28, 2024

Day 58 - Blowing in the Wind

Today I rode from Lander to Dubois, a distance of 74 miles with the bulk of it across the Wind River Indian Reservation. The forecast called for afternoon winds so I rolled at 5:20am to avoid the wind as much as possible. The first 35 miles were fine then the wind became a huge issue the last 40. I faced a steady 15-20 mph headwind with gusts as high as 30. I usually average about 10 mph but today only 7.5 mph. This put me in the seat for 10 hours of peddling and counting breaks I was on the road for 12 hours. I am tired!

Sacajawea’s grave was 2 miles off route, didn’t visit but saw this nice plaque
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Jim Whritenorwow, that's a tough wind to ride into!!
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2 months ago
David HendersonTo Jim WhritenorIt was. So much so I decided to take a tourist day in Dubois. Catch my next post about my day, to be published soon
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2 months ago
Mike HendersonHi Dave,

Colleen and I hope you rested today after such a tough day yesterday! We are settled in Scottsdale. We’ll call you tomorrow.

Love, Mike and Colleen
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2 months ago
Volcanic? Erosion?
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Keith AdamsGiven the bedding I'll go with erosion. Go back and get some samples of the material and I'll give you a more informed opinion. :)
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2 months ago
Elizabeth HendersonTo Keith AdamsSeems right, Keith! A few extra rocks in those saddle bags would be great to bring home too 😁
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2 months ago
Greg WilsonDave,
I think that is "Crowheart Butte" which is a famous landmark with a legend regarding its name. I believe the story has two tribes about to battle and the chief of one of the tribes challenges the other chief to a dual atop the butte - with the winner to eat the heart of the loser and to claim victory for his tribe.

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2 months ago
Great rock face
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Outstanding scenery
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Jim Whritenorthe landscape is so beautiful out there.
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2 months ago
National Museum of Military Vehicles is just outside Dubois. Hundreds of vehicles outside and more inside from WWI onwards
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Wind River
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Not sure what his method is but I like the logo
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Rich FrasierI looked him up. The method is a storytelling method, aimed (it seems) at attorneys arguing cases before juries. “He’s never lost a case”…uh, yeah…
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2 months ago
You know you are in the west when you see this
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Anyone know what this sign means? Seen a lot of them
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Theresa GardnerIt's a memorial sign dedicated to someone who has been killed in a traffic crash on that part of the highway. :(
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2 months ago
Met Mark on the road, he was heading east on the Transamerica. Notice the pistol?
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Theresa GardnerHe's not shy of displaying it, that's for sure!
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2 months ago
George HallWhat's it for? Dogs? Bad drivers? Just to give him a sense of security? Hard to imagine one could effectively shoot a pistol while cycling, I assume the idea is that if you are attacked (by whatever) that you stop and then open fire? I'm genuinely interested in how he intends to utilize the weapon - did he tell you anything?
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2 months ago
David HendersonTo George HallHe said he did part of the continental divide bike trail and was afraid of a bear attack
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2 months ago
Jim Whritenorwonder how he cross state lines with it.
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2 months ago
These earrings as a present for my wife?
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Today's ride: 75 miles (121 km)
Total: 2,766 miles (4,451 km)

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Theresa GardnerLooks and sounds like a very challenging day due to the adverse windy conditions.....but you persevered and rode it out! Congratulations Dave!!!
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2 months ago
Keith AdamsUpstream all day + headwinds + 75 miles == Dave is one tough hombre. Respect!
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2 months ago