July 12, 2016
Sunwapta Falls Lodge - Saskatchewan Crossing, AL: We are still friends.
Deciding how to dress was a big question this morning. It wasn't currently raining, the parking lot pavement was dry. Amazing. But the forecast was for rain, rain, rain. Plus, I could see my breath outside.
I don't much like my rain tights. They have a waterproof layer over a warm layer. Two layers is too restrictive. I ended up deciding to leave those at the top of the bag to be retrieved if necessary. I wore my orange leg warmers. They are very, very day glo orange. It was with some hesitation I walked outside. Oren didn't say a word. I guess we are good enough friends, I can dress like a sherbert ice cream cone and he will still be seen with me!
We had agreed to eat breakfast at the restaurant, considering that this was a big climbing day over Sunwapta Pass. In feet it was an ordinary day - 3,300 feet of climbing. But we get all of that in 2.5 miles, with average gradients of 8-10%.
I had already looked at the menu and decided on eggs and hash browns. I was very surprised when my order arrived. The potatoes were a little 2x2" square of deep fried, brick hard potato. I asked the waiter - yes those were my potatoes. I managed to cut a corner off. Crunch, crunch. Yes - very well done. I left the rest, but Jacinto ate it.
I ate the eggs and said I'd be going to the room and eating my usual oatmeal as a supplement. As I paid I asked for the manager. I told him I had ordered potatoes and two eggs. He knew immediately what I was going to say - he asked if I were expecting a plate of hash browns. Yes, exactly. This looked like a garnish. He gave me my meal for free, which wasn't the point - the point was they should be embarrassed to call that brickette hash browns. McDonalds does it better.
We had agreed on an 8 AM departure. Oren was outside ten minutes early. I was ready early, for once. We waited for Jim and Genny and off we went. Genny and I agreed we might be stopping soon to take off a layer as we started climbing from the get go and would warm up.
Genny pulled to the front, Jim stopped for a photo. Oren ended up in the rear. I passed Jim. Soon here came Oren, he pulled alongside Genny, who did an immediate U turn. What was that about? Oren didn't say a word to me. Many miles later Oren told me Jim had forgotten his perscription sunglassses in the room and had to go back. Bonus five miles for them, round trip. Darn. It's too bad telephones don't work here. Jacinto could have picked the glasses up as he was still back at the lodge.
I was feeling hopeful about the weather today. We could see about half of the mountains and the sky appeared to be clearing. I didn't want to say anything and jinx us.
We had 24 miles to the climb, then 2.5 miles of horrible granny gear climbing, then it leveled off slightly with mile 33.7 being the top.
As we passed Jonas Creek, I recognized the campground we had stayed at my last trip through here. I remembered taking a bath, one limb at a time, in the glacier stream next to the building. ! There was a man with a bicycle outside getting ready.
We also saw the group of four from Edmunton. We passed and got passed by them all the way to the Columbia Icefields visitor center. One fellow quipped to us on the climb to remember not to go over 50 kmh an hour. Ha. He is so funny. considering I was going about 3 mph at the time.
The closer to the top we got, the better the weather. We stopped for photos at the Stutsfield Glacier (check spelling). It was outstanding.
We passed the skywalk bridge, there were many signs saying free, but no entry point at all. It appeared you have to go to the visitor center and ride a bus back. The Volvo lady hadn't been very excited about the sky walk, she said they wasted the tax payers money building it. The placement did seems strange, not near any glacier.
As we rode closer, we could see little tiny buses traveling to the glacier. They got bigger and bigger as we got closer, lots of cars parking and people walking. People, people, everywhere. It seemed like a more pristine, peaceful view from the road on my bicycle. The visitor's center was not the top of the climb. Oren and I agreed there was nothing we needed, we would keep going.
The air had gotten nippier, but we could see all of the mountains, even though the sky was gray. I was very happy we made it to the top in clear weather. Could we make it down? Maybe just to the bottom of the steep part?
The downhill was very gradual to start. Finally we hit the real downhill. I remembered the steep section where 4-5 motor homes were pulled in. I walked a bit on that piece. Then there was a big, sweeping down that doubled back on itself. Yes, I definitely remember this!
My opinion is the climb from the north is easier because you've done most of the climbing before you get there. Even though the climbing to be done is steep. I also feel the views of the glaciers are better from this direction as you are facing them on the climb and can see them for an extended period of time.
Oren and I were on a mission to get to the lodging and not get wet. There was a giant black cloud on our right. I felt several drops. It would be okay if we had rain now. We had been very lucky all day. Not to say I wouldn't be happy to arrive dry.
The river all the way was glacier blue, water was rolling off the cliffs in waterfalls. I am so happy we get to see what there is to see today. Yesterday was nice, but we missed all of the view.
Oren and I pulled in at 3:01 - yay. Perfect to check in. Nope - check in is at 4:00. OK - we would get a snack at the grocery.
Who should walk in but Jacinto. He had seen me walking in the grocery - see those orange tights are good for something.
Jacinto and I ate his old chicken (I hope I don't get sick) and potato chips in the visitor's center. Oren had a soda. Then it was 4 PM and we checked in. Just as we walked over, here came Jim and Genny. We haven't talked to them much, other than to hear they had gotten rained on three times. Jacinto hadn't gotten wet at all.
Now we are going to dinnner.
There is no wifi here, I'm using the computer in the visitor's center. I will correct errors, load photos, and add dinner commentary tomorrow.
This was a beautiful, beautiful day.
Today's ride: 61 miles (98 km)
Total: 1,130 miles (1,819 km)
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