June 20, 2016
Missoula-Ronan, MT: A great first day.
Oren and I agreed it would be an easy day, 7 AM depart sounds good. I don't know where my pre trip jitters disappeared to, but I am happy they are gone. Last summer I had such anxiety that I actually went and got anxiety medicine! However, last summer's trip was really tough with lots of climbing. I was well prepared, but still nervous. This year? I'm Miss Laid Back. I don't know where that came from, but I like it. Suffice it to say, I slept well and didn't wake up until the alarm. I was efficient getting ready and then went to breakfast. Super 8 includes breakfast. Besides the usual cold items, they have microwave omelets and sausage. This motel didn't have sausage. In Idaho Falls they didn't have eggs. Ah, well. I'm not much into prefab food, but I do need some calories to get down the road. Two packets of sugary apple and cinnamon oatmeal, one container of yogurt, and one prefab omelet. Do you think that's enough to get me going? I hope so.
Oren wasn't ready to leave - so I took off by myself. Ever so brave - I had to negotiate 3 or 4 turns all alone. But I managed it and didn't get lost. It is a burden to enjoy new places but have no sense of direction. Last year Oren babysat me most of the trip. I'm determined to be more self sufficient this time.
Traffic was some heavy getting away from the motel and to Highway 93. 93 had a giant shoulder that was usable. So many highways now put rumble strips right in the center of the shoulder. That was an issue in New Mexico through out the trip.
Oren caught up with me at mile 8. We consulted notes. Yep, the big climb was at mile 13, coming right up. Temperatures were nippy (for me) and freezing (for Oren). Oren had on two shirts and a jacket and was still cold. That warm blood Arkansas boy didn't know what to do in the mountains. It was 51 degrees near the airport, according to a sign. Perfect riding weather. I felt sorry for all of my touring friends in the southwest. Temperatures there are well over 100 degrees.
Today was a good first day. We had three climbs, none too tough. Mostly it was a flat, get your legs in the grove kind of day. What made it special was the scenery. We followed the Mission Mountains all day.
Since we were riding on busy 93, there were many billboards. One that we saw over and over again was for the Huckleberry Cafe in Arlee. Oren was more than ready for huckleberry pie. But there was a problem. When we pulled into the parking lot, there was a sign saying, "opening June 24th." - oops, we were too early. We stopped at the next place we saw, the Biscuit Cafe. I called Jacinto to see if he wanted to join us. It was 10 AM and he was just leaving Missoula. He said it was too cold and he had waited. What is it with these southern boys?
Oren and I stayed within sight distance of each other the rest of the day. Have I gotten faster, or is he taking it easy? Of course I'd like to think I'm getting faster!
We went through several little towns, but didn't stop. As we approached Ronan, there was a stretch of 5-7 miles where our 4' shoulder shrunk to 2'. The four lanes shrunk to two lanes. Traffic sure seemed to be going fast and not giving me any room. I'm not used to feeling crowded by cars. Between my strange recumbent and very strong Dinotte tail light, I always get plenty of room. I was very happy when our nice shoulder appeared again.
As we got close to Ronan, we passed through several signed waterfowl protection areas. We saw a number of squashed turtles. I didn't see any live ones, although I was prepared to rescue any silly enough to attempt crossing the road.
I saw a couple of billboards advertising a Mexican restaurant with five tacos for $5. - sounds like Jacinto's kind of place. It was on the edge of town. I suggested to Oren that would be cheap eats, want to stop? He wasn't near as excited about the tacos as he was the pie, but he did agree to stop.
First Oren went over to McDonalds to the ATM. While he was there, a woman driving a Lexus stopped to talk to him. She said her husband also rode a recumbent and has toured many places, Alaska, and Europe, etc. I was wanting all sorts of information, which Oren did not get. The woman asked where we were staying and when he replied the Starlite Motel (the only place in town), her reply was that it was a roof over our heads. That combined with the two star rating on trip advisor had us worried.
I tried to call Jacinto a number of times, but it went right to voice mail. We ate our tacos. I had crunchy tacos and they were good - I ate all five. I don't think Oren liked his soft ones as much, he had one (two?) and sent the rest for Jacinto. We agreed to stop at the grocery for breakfast items. I had called the motel and confirmed breakfast was not included.
While we were at the store, who should roll up but Jacinto! We went in and bought too many breakfast items. Jacinto still had wings from two days ago, plus yesterday's burrito and Oren's tacos. Anyone who knows him knows Jacinto likes to keep plenty of food in the rotation!
We bought more food, got to keep that supply full.
I had several people today ask where we were going, the usual questions. Perhaps it is because it's the first day of the trip, but people did seem sincerely interested and heartfelt when they wished us well.
The cashier at the grocery was among those inquiring about our trip. She also asked where we were staying and made a face when I told her the Starlite. I'm getting worried now. We bicycled on down the road. There was the Starlite. It looks very nice from the outside. The paint is fresh, lots of flowers.
We went to check in, the lady was a little flustered, she had had surgery that day and had two new maids working. Our rooms would be ready shortly. They were ready before we were done registering. Hmmm. The place looks nice on the outside, how about the inside? Looks fine. We have a very large room. Plenty of room for the bikes and walking around. The bed doesn't sag, the shower is clean. Yes, the walls could use repainted and the trim is chipped in a few places, but over all, it's a great room. Jacinto said we've stayed in all sorts of places bicycling - it takes a lot more than this to scare him. I'm not sure what people want, but I'm good with this for the price.
We've been looking at the weather. No rain here in Ronan, but it looks like Kalispell is going to get rain around lunch time. Perhaps we would be better off to delay a little in our departure.
Let's see what the consensus is over dinner.
We went to the nearby Sonora Grill. It is a family operation and the food is homemade. If you like real Mexican food, this is a good choice. The tacos I purchased earlier were of the Taco Bell variety - gringo style. The ladies inside had a great time speaking Spanish with Jacinto and were among those very interested in our trip. Surely this area of Montana gets plenty of bicycle tourists? I'm not quite sure why we are such an attraction.
The weather forecast shows a little storm moving through right in the middle of the day. Oren and I agreed we are going to start out at 7 AM and see what the day brings. Jacinto is going to wait until he gets kicked out of the motel and then leave. High for tomorrow is only 60 degrees. Oren and Jacinto will both freeze all day. I will be fine.
We had a very nice first day. It was on the easy side for pedaling and on the AAA side for scenery.

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Today's ride: 53 miles (85 km)
Total: 53 miles (85 km)
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