July 7, 2016
Blue River - Tete Juane Cache, BC: Snow capped mountains all around!
Sorry, I can't get a map to start or photos to load. Perhaps tomorrow when we are in Jasper.
I had to start out the morning with an apology to Oren for my meltdown yesterday over lack of food. But in my defense, I have to say, any cyclist wants food after 65 miles! Oren graciously accepted my apology. My conscience cleared, we moved on with our day.
It was overcast as we started, with a tiny little patch of blue that got bigger and bigger. Within a half hour, we had sunshine! Yes! Now the day was looking up.
We were still following the Yellowed Highway. It was delightfully empty. I wondered if it was because of the early hour, or because the traffic finally went somewhere else. I no more than voiced that thought than traffic increased dramatically!
Today was a big day, 70 miles. Some more climbing than yesterday, but basically we were expecting a repeat of beautiful scenery with gentle climbing. I'm sorry you all aren't here with us.
Jim and Genny caught up with us at one of our hourly breaks. The four of us rode almost directly together the entire day. The road was gently flat to rolling. Even the climbs were easy. Jim and Genny were extra happy at the gentle introduction to climbing in Canada.
The numbers on the computer kept increasing, we kept turning the pedals. We knew that Valemount was a large town and we needed to stop for breakfast things and snacks for the next day. Our lodging has a restaurant that is open evenings only. Valemount would be a great place to stay, 55 miles in to the day. But it would make tomorrow's 65 mile day an 80 miler. That's not going to work.
At our 35 mile break, Jim noted that we had 5 miles to the summit. Summit? What summit? 250 feet over 5 more miles hardly seems as if it should be called a summit. On the profile it did look significant. Ha. Middle of the chain ring, 15 mph. Dare I say we had a great tailwind again? I'm a little worried about all of this strong south wind when we turn south. But I'm trying not to borrow trouble thinking about it.
Looking around it appeared that our little summit might be getting some rain at noon. We decided to run for it and try to outrace the rain. It was a success! We all motored into Valemount at a crazy speed. I had seen a billboard for the local IGA store. It turned out to be a fair distance from the highway and not as well stocked as we had hoped. Oren and I were still keeping our eye on the rain and wanted to have a quick snack and keep moving. We were hoping for a deli item from the store, but the deli didn't have anything we were interested in. I think Jim and Genny were interested in a real restaurant, although what Jim suggested was the A&W out by the highway. Oren likes their hamburgers, that was a go.
Genny noted that the prices at this A&W were much higher than the one in Clearwater. Tourist town, tourist prices. Oren was ready to go right away, wanting to get to town without getting wet. Genny had asked how much further we had to go. Jim's answer was - 10 or 15 miles. Genny, feeling tired and hungry wanted a very specific answer, not a generalization!
Just as Oren was pulling to the end of the parking lot, who should be at the stoplight but Jacinto. We flagged him over. He had had a good ride and hadn't gotten wet. It was so pretty that even Jacinto was taking lots of photos. Jacinto went in to get something to eat.
I had warned Oren I probably wouldn't be as fast now I've eaten. He pointed out the rain coming down the mountain and wondered if we would get wet. Off we went. I was surprised at my speed, given I had just eaten. At 12 mph, we would be too town in an hour. Wooeee!
Here came the rain. Oren stopped to pull up the hood of his coat. I yelled that I was going to keep going and try to out race the rain. I got totally wet. Damn, maybe I should have stopped. Then. Then I did get out of the rain. Yes! Did I really? I believe so. I held up the bottom of my shirt to try and dry it out some. Miracle fabrics are mighty fine.
I came upon a little road construction. The polite flag lady said there was 600 meters of dirt and to go right now. I felt a little guilty getting the first turn ahead of all of the cars, but I went anyway! As soon as I got through the construction there was a big intersection. East or West Highway 16. Here was the moment of truth. I didn't want to get lost and I didn't have Oren with me. I debated waiting for Oren. No, I'm I a big girl. I can do this. I hope. I knew we had to back track in the morning, which meant I should go west towards Prince George. I was surprised there wasn't a sign for Tete Juane Cache anywhere. I took a deep breath and keep going. Right away I saw a sign for the lodge. Whew.
I pulled in. Oren was right behind me. I asked him if he wasn't proud of me for not getting lost. He laughed and said yes.
This looked like a quiet, tidy little place. A man was sitting outside with an elderly dog. Oren took down his flag pole, which startled the dog. The man said he had been abused previously. Oren then had to make up to the dog. I reminded the fellow that Debbie had said we could include bedding with our cabin. He suggested sleeping bags. I said bedding to me means sheets and blankets. Later Oren said I had leather testicles. I thought I was polite (Oren agreed), but still thought I had leather testicles. Ha.
Unfortunately, my cabin is way down by the river. Which is very nice for the experience. But I have to go back up the dirt road in the morning. Up. Dirt. Plus wi-fi is no good down there. I'm sitting in Oren's room now. Oren and Jim and Genny got rooms. Twice the price, much more convenient. The bath houses here are excellent. I think the cabins and the bath house is all new construction. If not, they are crazy clean.
The restaurant has a buffet for $21.95 for dinner. Or other items. They will lose money if Jacinto eats the buffet.
Edit - We all had the buffet except Jacinto. He was worried about eating too much! I think if there's ever a time that you are allowed to over eat it would be after a 70 mile day and before a 65 mile day. We all enjoyed the food tremendously. Sometimes it's worth paying for good food instead of 5 tacos for $5. The dessert eaters said the dessert was over the top. Especially popular was the cheese cake with a fruit compote. Oren complimented the chef many times. The dining room was busy. It looked like locals were also there eating, there were too many people to be just the campground people.
I had washed my clothes out, but it's chilly and spitting rain. I ended up putting them in the dryer for $2. I have to tell a story about yesterday. We all put our clothes together and did a load last night. Genny was supervising taking the clothes out that shouldn't go in the dryer. Oren put the rest of the clothes in the dryer. The guys were talking bout who knows what. Genny finally says - you do know that the dryer you put the money in and is going round is not the dryer you have clothes in? Everyone got a good laugh about that and they switched the clothes.
Tonight's lodging was one of those lucky finds. They are great little cabins out in the middle of nowhere. Jacinto and I are in a brand new cabin, bedding was extra, but the total cost was $78. The rooms have all of the usual amenities, including a TV. Oren was very nice and let us crash his room before dinner, watching TV and using the wifi. I then went up to Jim and Genny's room, closer to the office, hoping their wifi was better. No. These little places are frequently lacking on wifi. It makes posting the journal a challenge.
Today's ride: 69 miles (111 km)
Total: 966 miles (1,555 km)
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