7 April: Badames to Bilbao - The Great Big Ice Cream Tour - CycleBlaze

April 7, 2023

7 April: Badames to Bilbao

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My accommodation included breakfast and the forecast was for a cold morning (about 6-8°) so I decided on a slightly later start. So breakfast was set for 0830. It turns out that Sergio has two rooms to let and then other room was occupied by Jenifer a Spanish lady who was visiting a cousin in Santander. It was good to have company for breakfast especially as her English was excellent although not as good as her French but better than her German, cue the embarrassment about languages!!

Jenifer works in exports but is training as a jewellery designer and maker. She hopes to start her own business next year. She has visited Scotland a few times and really enjoyed her travels there.

By the time I had eaten, packed, re-packed (it's getting easier) and loaded the bike it was nearer 0930 when I set out. It was cold so I had a few layers on including long finger gloves but was sticking to cycle shorts. It didn't take long to build up some heat making the ride much more pleasant. No great climbs at this point but on a downhill section I saw an amazing view with what looks like a volcanic plug so I had to stop. Just a stunning vista.

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Eventually I did come to a long climb (see the profile above). I didn't realise how long it was and pushed on still wrapped up for the cold start. About half way I was baking and in danger of overheating so had to stop and remove some layers. It was wonderful cycling in what would be summer clothes at home. The climb went on and on with little to comment other than the stunning scenery until I was face with 2 red cows and a small calf being herded down the road. All was good until I got close to the lead cow when it startled and suddenly headed for my side of the road. I think my front light may have bothered it. Thankfully the farmer's big stick intervened and saved me from a cow/bike collision!! No photographs, it all happened so quickly.

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Disappointingly there was no view at the top of that climb due the number of roadside trees so I continued on, enjoying the free downhill speed. That was no sooner over and I was suddenly on the climb again. This hill went on longer than the last and eventually I had to stop for water and some snacks. Normally I would drink as I ride but at slow speed the laden bike is more twitchy and one handed cycling feels a bit scary. Hopefully I'll get used to this.

I stopped at a hairpin for water, an apple and cereal bar. I watched a car going downhill followed by several motorbikes followed by a road cyclist trying to pass them all 🤣, then a guy on a Honda Goldwing (massive motorcycle) going uphill. He was leaning over so far he was almost screening the footpegs on the ground. Respect!

Then a beautiful horse clip clopping it's way downhill.

Can't beat it. 😁

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The top of this hill had more to offer with views and I captured one looking back down the hill then, part way down, the view opened up to the coast. Unfortunately the photos don't really do it justice.

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I was worried that with it being Good Friday I might struggle to find supermarkets, cafes or restaurants open however in one small village I stumbled on a little pub which was quite busy. I thought I'd grab a coffe and came out with this magnificent tortilla. So delicious, heaven on a plate. I soon finished that and had a look around the outside of this 16th century church. It was locked up which seems a bit strange given the Holy week and the day so outside piccies only. Quite an interesting structure.

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I confused on passing this enormous quarry which seems to be consuming a whole hill slice by slice!

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Then I came across this bay with a weird steel structure extending to nothing. It looks like it has been stolen from the Forth Bridge and I can't work out what it is. There is no berthing facility so I can't see how it work for loading/unloading materials. I'll have another look on the web to see if I can find some hints.

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The ugly and the beautiful side by side.

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nd then the ice cream for the day. Cherry (with little chocolate drops). Absolutely delicious and bought from an ice cream shop with a queue extending outside. Couldn't go wrong.

I am now ensconced in my hostel in bed NR 7 of mixed dormitory with 8 beds. Worryingly 3 or 4 of the younger inhabitants have just dressed up and gone out for the night. I might need my ear plugs and eye mask!!

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Today's ride: 116 km (72 miles)
Total: 164 km (102 miles)

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