23 April Aix-en-Provence to Brignoles - The Great Big Ice Cream Tour - CycleBlaze

April 23, 2023

23 April Aix-en-Provence to Brignoles

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I was told that Monday's are quiet in popular towns as people take a Monday as their weekend ensuring they maximise business over the real weekend. So I was up early prepared to hunt for a supermarket or boulangerie. I needn't have worried. I found a supermarket for more water, OJ and a sandwich. Then I stumbled into a fabulous looking boulangerie for coffee and possible the best croissant I have ever eater. It was filled with pistachio cream. Wow!

Today's right was effectively split two thirds of fabulous roads, countryside and climbs followed by one third of relatively mundane roads with traffic. Lunch was eaten at the side of the road and there was no opportunity for ice cream or even coffee for that matter.

My destination was Brignoles a rather uninspiring town with almost nothing open on a Monday evening. It seemed to be the end of the old railway line and had a rather down at heel feel. Basically it was McDonalds for dinner.

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Today's ride: 95 km (59 miles)
Total: 1,793 km (1,113 miles)

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