20 April Montpellier: Resting and 18,500 steps - The Great Big Ice Cream Tour - CycleBlaze

April 20, 2023

20 April Montpellier: Resting and 18,500 steps

I am going to keep this short. I spent a lot of the day exploring the city centre. Montpellier is a very pretty centre with lots of classic French architecture which I do like. The typical apartment block are all around the centre and jhelp create a wonderful maze of little streets and alleys. Very quaint (sorry) and easy to explore in the sun and 20°.

I managed a double double today with ice creams from 2 different shops. Both were excellent and I'd be very happy to sample their other flavours.

Orange & chocolate noisette, fruit and beige. 8/10

Cassis and ginger, fruit and fruit. 8/10

I found two little gardens near the hostel and took some horticultural photos for Laura.

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The bed!
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