11 April To Pau - The Great Big Ice Cream Tour - CycleBlaze

April 11, 2023

11 April To Pau

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Check out my activity on Strava: https://strava.app.link/xwW3C7GOUyb

There wasn't a lot to say about today. The ride was long and fairly fakt with an overall uphill trend. Initially I was a bit concerned about the distance and my fitness bit by default I was able to reassure myself. The plan was to stop for coffee and banana about a third of the distance in. I'd identified a small town where I thought I'd get coffee. Once I got there I realised it wasn't much more than a village with nothing but houses. So I kept going until the next one which looked more promising. There even appeared to be a square. Once I got there I toured around the streets. I saw one old lady get out of a car other than her I saw nothing, no-one and certainly not a cafe. It was like the Marie Celeste of the village world!! And so it went on until I arrived at Orthez which was a bigger and looked quite historic. The first thing I saw was a crossroad with TWO cafes 🤣 but I kept going to discover it was market day. I had a walk round and found a stall which sold knives so I replaced the knife which was confiscated when I boarded the ferry in Plymouth.

There was some food stalls and as I was more than half way through the distance I thought I'd upgrade to lunch from coffee and banana. One stall was selling Thai food (my favourite) so after watching what was being made the Thai lady started to chat. The market was nearly over and most of the dishes were mostly gone so got a mix of Pad Thai & chicken curry for half price 😁

Then it was back on the bike to finish the rest of the ride. Other than a park bench for a bit of a sleep I didn't stop 🤣🤣

Today's ice cream was pistachio from a mobile van in the centre of Pau. It was the best yet. Delicious and creamy.

Once again the photos are in reverse order. I must see if I can load them in time order it would make matching text with pictures easier.

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Today's ride: 159 km (99 miles)
Total: 645 km (401 miles)

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