June 11, 2021
To Algoma
With a short, easy ride today and with the prospect of lower temperatures at the end, we felt no pressure to start early. We stayed around long enough to take advantage of the complementary breakfast at our hotel and didn’t start biking until nearly 9. By that time it was 74 degrees, but surprisingly comfortable - the sky was partly overcast and we had a slight headwind cooling us down.
Today’s ride was a traverse across the base of the thin, elongated peninsula that separates Green Bay from Lake Michigan. The northern end of the peninsula is the locally renowned resort area of Door County; but today we’re destined for Algoma, a small town on Lake Michigan just south of the Door County line.
The ride is simple and relaxed, on quiet county alphabet roads and with only a few very modest climbs. The only significant drama of the day came when a basset hound started running across the field after me but lost interest in the chase when he tripped over his long ears and flipped over. A narrow escape!
The other encounter of interest was another pair of sandhill cranes, striding away across a field, croaking as they went. As we stopped to admire them we thought we heard a second pair off to our right, but them noticed that their croaking corresponded exactly with those of the couple we were watching. The second sound was their own sounds echoing off the wall of a nearby farmhouse.
Oh, and there were the geese and goslings on the waterfront leaving Green Bay. We had a few tense moments when the elders hissed warnings at us just inches from our calves. That was tense, for sure.
So, plenty of excitement for one day. Best of all though was the weather - the day stayed refreshing and comfortable for the whole ride, and as we approached Algoma and Lake Michigan it felt like we were nearing the ocean. When we arrived in town it felt like we could have been in any small town on Puget Sound or the Oregon coast. The temperature was 67, a full fifteen degrees cooler than thirty miles to the west.
We’re going to love it here. When we arrived we stopped in for a light lunch at a pleasant little cafe. Rachael had a turkey and Munster cheese sandwich on cranberry walnut bread (and it was really good, she interjects here), and I had the special of the day: baked cod and red potatoes, for $6.95. Afterwards I tried out their strawberry rhubarb pie while Rachael went to the bakery next door and had a carrot cake mini-loaf with cream cheese frosting (“heavenly, soo good”), and a frosted sugar cookie.
So there’s been a change of plans. We’re bagging this silly idea of biking to New York. We’re going to spend the next two months right here, circling northern Lake Michigan two or three times, and then catch a bus to Newark.

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3 years ago

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Video sound track: Adrift, by Yasmin Williams
Ride stats today: 37 miles,1,100’; for the tour: 492 miles, 14,200’
Today's ride: 37 miles (60 km)
Total: 491 miles (790 km)
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Do an image search of 'goose teeth'.
The stuff of nightmares!!
3 years ago
3 years ago
Jacinto wants to know the name of the cafe in Algoma - he likes the idea of a $6.95 lunch special. He also wants to know if you were cold - 67 degrees sounds like tights weather to him. It doesn't matter I told him how hot you've been the last several days . . .
You must have taken your meds this morning and had an uneventful day from that perspective?
3 years ago
That meal was at the Captain’s Galley Room. It’s a breakfast/lunch place, and very nice - we had breakfast there the next morning. It’s attached to North Water Bakery, which Rachael said was excellent.
67 was quite comfortable, but tempted me to add a layer for the first time since arriving in Minneapolis. It was sunny and a bit warmer today, but still pleasant. And yes, health is fine, back to normal.
3 years ago