Metz: Out and back along the Moselle - A Cycleblazer Moselle Quartett - CycleBlaze

May 26, 2024

Metz: Out and back along the Moselle

Today it was time for the gang to get on their bikes. The weather was forecast to be a bit iffy, no guarantee that we wouldn't get rained on, so we decided to keep it simple. Kathleen suggested that we ride the beginning of the first day we had planned to do before the flooding had us ditch the original tour. We could ride as far as we felt like and then turn around and head back home. 

Here we are ready for our first ride. Everyone is in good spirits as you can see.
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It was a bit chilly, but there was hardly any wind and we managed to get only a few drops of rain before we were back in Metz. It looked enough like rain for us all to get into our rain jackets, but it proved not to be really necessary.

Nicely paved the whole way
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Karen PoretNo puddles! ( yet?)
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3 months ago
Following the meanerings of the Moselle
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The Moselle bike path was pleasant and we had plenty of company, it being a Sunday, nothing dramatic as far as sights go, just nice pedaling with friends along a river. When we came upon an inviting picnic area with tables and benches, we took a break. We were all hungry although it wasn't yet twelve and we had  enjoyed an ample breakfast buffet at the hotel. Our little picnic sandwiches were from the same buffet.

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How about a coffee? The path didn't go through any towns, so if the town didn't come to us we decided to go to the town. Maiziès-lès-Metz turned out to be a non-descript kind of place but under Susan's guidance we found a bar/cafe.  Once back on the bike path the skies were getting greyer and a few drops of rain encouraged us to hurry home.

Here are some more impressions from our ride, not necessarily in chronological order.

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And a few pictures when we arrived back in Metz

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Scott AndersonAn especially great shot.
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3 months ago
Karen PoretTo Scott AndersonOf course, Scott, as Janos also has HIS camera :)
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3 months ago
Standing in for me
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Karen PoretLike the purple door ;)
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3 months ago

Our  first ride together and a good time was had by all.

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Today's ride: 36 km (22 miles)
Total: 36 km (22 miles)

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