Vila Joiosa - Take Two - Springtime Spin in Southern Spain - CycleBlaze

June 1, 2024

Vila Joiosa - Take Two

A Rest Day

We enjoyed Vila Joiosa so much so that we decided to stay an extra night, allowing us to take a day off from riding. Lucky for us, the hotel we are at had an opening and so we snatched it up last night. 

That meant we had a nice leisurely start with breakfast in the small plaza outside the hotel, where a table was reserved for us. Our waiter brought us some freshly squeezed OJ, cafè con leche, fresh fruit and toast with butter and marmalade. The coffee was so good, we had a second round while we planned what we’d do today. 

Breakfast in the plaza.
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The plaza, outside our hotel.
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We had seen a tram travelling back and forth along the coast yesterday and learned that it travels frequently between Alicante (western terminal) and Calpe (eastern terminal), which lie about 60 km apart. It seemed like a convenient way to see Benidorm today so that was the plan. We had also learned that bikes are allowed on the tram, which sounded appealing. But after considering the pro’s and con’s, we decided to leave the bikes at the hotel today and make it a full day of exploring on foot. 

We started out with a stroll through the old town and downhill to the beach. The riverbed that slices through the middle of town has been converted into a park with paths, a dog park, benches, gardens and sculptures. There is actually a small trickle of water in the river but it doesn’t amount to much even in spring, by the looks of it. It’s just enough to keep the trees and shrubs happy.

Looking over the old bridge to the hills north of Vila Joiosa.
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The early morning air had been still, but by 10 am the breeze had picked up and was sufficient for some decent waves to form not far from shore. They were large enough that a group of surfers were out enjoying a morning surf. Notice the surfers are wearing wetsuits. It is still the cool season here. We enjoyed watching them waiting and then catch some great waves.

… wait for it!
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Oh, shucks… no photo! 

Judging from the clouds in the photo above, you’d think it would rain, but au contraire! There’s very little probability of rain.  The clouds build up during the day and then break up and blow away, then the pattern repeats itself. Perhaps there is just not enough moisture and it’s sufficiently warm that it doesn’t rain, which suits us!

We wandered back up the hill through the colorful neighborhood streets to catch the tram at 11:30. It showed up right on time.

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More colourful homes in the old town.
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The tram was full when it stopped at our station. Many people were heading for a day of shopping at a large Outlet Mall near Benidorm. The rest were heading for Benidorm.

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Neither of us had any knowledge of Benidorm before the trip planning got underway last fall. This part of Spain was not in either of our wheelhouses. It was only when I started researching cycling in this region that I learned that Benidorm is best known as a playground for sun-seekers from the UK and northern Europe escaping the dull grey weather at home. And, it’s also known for the poor behaviour of a certain sector of said tourists, enough so that it has a rather tarnished reputation. In any case, the city is an enormous collection of mega-hotels and skyscrapers, packed cheek-to-jowl along one of the most beautiful beaches on the Mediterranean. 

Benidorm started out as a fishing village in the early 20th century but when that industry began drying up in the 50’s, the local government began pursuing tourism. There is, of course, much more to the story which you will find here:

 And so began the transformation of Benidorm. Marketing kicked into high gear and the rest is history. The construction boom continues to this day.

We strolled from the station to the beach, about a 25 minute walk. The stream of tourists increased as we approached the beach. 

This building in Benidorm was a beauty.
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A doggie wash station, for the dog an its clothes/towels.
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The beach itself is really beautiful. But the crowds of people were something to behold. 

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We wandered back up the hill and took the 2 pm tram back to Vila Joiosa, just a 20-minute jaunt. The lunch hour was in full swing when we returned so we found a pedestrian street that was chocko-blocko with tables, chairs and umbrellas set up, and diners having their menu del dias. We chose a biker bar and had a caprese salad and patates bravas. Inside the cafe was a small poster of a guy in a BMW that said, Four wheels will move your body but two wheels move your soul. Indeed. 

We hung out in our room after that, which is a bit of a treat for us. It’s a very nice room, overlooking the lush river valley and side views of the beach. The breeze wafted through the open window.

For dinner, we chose a Mexican restaurant about a km along the beach. It is run by a Mexican family, the mom churning out the natchos, tacos and enchaladas while the boys served and bartended. The decor reminded us of our good friends, Debbie and John, who had a fabulous and fun Day of the Dead Hallowe’en display last year. The restaurant had piñatas, sombreros, painted cow skulls and brightly painted chairs and tables. They made us a delicious mojito and a lemon margeurita and we had tacos and enchiladas for dinner. Afterwards, it was a leisurely wander back to our hotel. 

Tomorrow we get back on the bikes and ride to Altea.

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Anne AnastasiouGlad you had a nice day off. Those crowded beaches are crazy, aren't they. We saw that in Barcelona. It's hard for us to fathom that people still purposefully suntan.
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4 months ago
Anne MathersTo Anne AnastasiouWe’re puzzled by the same thing. How do they not realize the impact? It’s a mystery.
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4 months ago
Patty BarronVilla Joyosa seems like the perfect place to have a day full of joy & a restful one too!
The river ravine area seems quite lovely & good for an exploratory stroll.
The painted houses are delightful!
Sounds like your approach to Benidorm was the correct call; “ in & out”.

Great eye catching scenery on the Coast & along the way! Gorgeous, is only one word of many.
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4 months ago
Keith ClassenSounds like a nice relaxing day off the bikes - well deserved!
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4 months ago