September 17, 2023
Day - 8 ( Belagaavi to Hubbali)
Today's 60 miles was easy and fast because it was all highway miles. The weather was cloudy, and rainy sprinkled with a bit of blue skies. It was uneventful except for a random interaction I had.
I sought shelter under a bus stop during a downpour. I started chatting with folks who were also seeking shelter and one of the villagers mentioned that he had seen me on my bike the previous week. Yes, I had ridden past that village the previous week but it was the opposite side of the highway as I was riding in the opposite direction and hadn’t stopped for any conversation/rest. So, I was surprised to know that he had noticed me. This made me realize that whether I have conversations or not, folks notice me and remember me.
Everyone I meet/interact with offers words of encouragement and caution. Yes, riding is dangerous on Indian roads, or any roads for that matter. But, these true feelings leave an imprint on me. During the early days of riding, I was passing a quiet stretch when a cow herder asked me time. I stopped and told her the time. Then she asked about my destination, where I had started, and if I had my lunch. Then she wished me a safe journey! Again, it was a random interaction and I thought of taking her photo for my memory's sake but also felt that I might be objectifying her. So, I don't remember her face but clearly remember this interaction. I am happy to say that I have had similar interactions on a daily basis since then.
Similar to my experiences in Colombia and Ecuador, most people here cheer me on, wish me luck, and ride bikes/drive cars alongside me as they talk to me.
Today's ride: 100 km (62 miles)
Total: 817 km (507 miles)
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