Flamingo Road - We'll Follow the Sun - CycleBlaze

December 18, 2018

Flamingo Road

Dinner last night was, as might be expected in a town on the beach, a seafood feast and we both very much enjoyed both the dinner and margaritas we had with it - a perfect way to end a long day!  We slept with the window open and the fan off so that we could enjoy the sounds of the waves hitting the beach.  Is there a better way to sleep?  

We woke up later than usual and took our time finding a little place for breakfast where I again ordered Huevos al a Mexican.  This is quickly becoming my favourite way to have eggs and I will have to google how to make them when I get back to Canada!  After our breakfast, we headed to the centre of town to take one of the little taxis to the tourist centre to catch our boat.  It was only about 1 1/2 kms and we could easily have walked it but we have been waiting for the opportunity to take one of these.  We went up to a driver who was chatting with an older woman.  She seemed to understand our very poor Spanish that we wanted to get to the TI and it turned out that she was also heading that way so we shared our ride with her.  She was just delightful, singing and talking to us the whole way until her stop - what a dear!  

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Getting out at the TI centre, we checked in about the procedure and were told to just hang out and wait for a group to come.  When we had 6, we should pay for a boat.  It is possible to go out by yourselves, but you are paying 1500 pesos, so why not share the cost?  We had just sat down to wait when a car pulled up and 4 people got out.  Jim went up to the first guy and asked if they wanted to share a boat.  Of course!  So, we paid and walked down to the boats, chatting with our new buddies.  They are all friends from the Czech Republic, and every year they go on an adventure together - what a great idea!  There was one woman in the group and she and her boyfriend currently live in Belfast!  That's a long way from Czech Republic, I said, and as it turns out, my mother's side of the family came from a small town south of Belfast called Castlewellen, which they knew of - small world!  We soon came to the boats, handed over our ticket and were on our way for our 1 1/2 hour tour to see flamingos, pelicans and the mangroves.  It was spectacular and I only wish that we could get our laptop to share the video that Jim took as it really did show much much better how awesome it was.  As it is, the picures will have to suffice and just understand that the experience is WAY better than any pictures can show.

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Tiffany EllisonThe pix r pretty gud tho
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6 years ago
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Tour finished, we said goodbye to our boatmates and walked back into town, enjoying the opportunity to stop and look at whatever caught our eye along the way, which included this little guy:

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Back at our room, we were seriously considering whether to leave tomorrow as planned or to hang out in this lovely paradise for another day.  Other than the calming waves, beautiful beach and fantastic seafood, there was another reason for us to consider another day.  While reading Chris Poutney's blog on this site, entitled The Not So Long Way Down, I read that he and Dea had discovered a very helpful app called Windy.com, where you could check and see the prevailing winds in any area of the world.  Well, of course I downloaded the app and found that tomorrow we would be riding into the wind for 1/2 of the day before it would swing around behind us, but if we waited a day we could have a tailwind the whole time!  Hmm..... I guess you'll have to read tomorrow's blog to see what happened!  For now, its off to dinner - we are looking for some shrimp to eat in honour of the flamingos we saw today!

Mmmmm! Shrimp!
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Bonus pic. I saw this fellow with his family at the table over from us, so I ran up and asked if he was Canadian. No, he said, he's Mexican. We had a good laugh then - here's me with my Mexican shirt and here's him with his Canadian shirt!
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Michael ReynoldsThat looks like a perfect little beach town. No wonder it's hard to leave!
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6 years ago
Sue PriceTo Michael ReynoldsIt really was! You and Leslie would love it!
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6 years ago