Observations - Island Loop - CycleBlaze


 I have wanted to revisit parts of this route and see what was possible. The Westside is a bunt, the biggest issue may be its popularity. Many people use the parks and occasionally bicyclists, runners and pedestrians are all on the same path. Around Battery Park City I planned to take the route closer to the river, but it was choked with pedestrians by late morning on this Sunday. In hindsight the weekend may not be the best time for this route at least on the non-street sections.

 The Eastside was another matter, cookie cutter sections of riverside walkway/trails broken up by construction, the United Nations, a lack of access and neglect. Some of the views of Brooklyn and Queens were outstanding. I think the uptown sections would be challenging for someone not used to urban street riding. I believe a faster rider who trimmed off some of my dead ends and short sections would be on the Westside earlier and miss some of the congestion.

  I looped Manhattan on a 70 degree Sunday morning, what’s not to like?

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