We have been fortunate to have exceptional weather in Belgrade - 20 degrees and sunny. Relaxing after breakfast on the deck. The Villa Marija is a highlight for us in the many places we have stayed the past 4 months - highly recommended.
Alexander owns his own shop in the neighbourhood where we are staying. His favourite musician is a fellow Canadian - Leonard Cohen. We really enjoyed talking to him and learning about life in Belgrade and Serbia. We were touched that he also enjoyed talking to us, as he said that he could see that we had a good energy and were good people. On our second visit to buy packing tape, he said that our previous visit had left him feeling happy for the day. A rare Serbian - a non smoker and a recent vegetarian!
Like Capriolo Bikes, Planet Bike had also put aside boxes for us. When we discovered that the Capriolo boxes were for a 20" mountain bike (and too small), the Planet Bike boxes came to the rescue. These fellows at the Bike shop were most helpful.
Red Star football team is the most popular team in Serbia - but according to Alex, their level of success is very poor. However, this does not deter the passion they feel for their team. Throughout Belgrade we have seen many tributes to this team, including this "graffitti" painted on an apartment building showing their support.
The architectural beauty of this building shines through despite the construction. We have seen many ornately decorated buildings, but this one has a quiet unadorned beauty.
A spectacular building, and most interesting illuminated against a dark stormy sky. The humidity and wind suggests that our good weather is coming to an end.
Hotel Mosvka is a protected heritage building, constructed in Art Nouveau style in 1907 and is an enduring symbol of Belgrade. The rooms are furnished with authentic period pieces and impressive artwork.
The iconic Hotel Mosvka. It is the only hotel in the world, outside of Moscow, with this name.