May 16, 2022
Day 34: Feldkirch
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There was a bit of a Canadian flavour to breakfast today, with Kristin preparing pancakes. This was not exactly a special production for us, something we could see because "pancake" is one of Matti's best English words. There was a lot more than just pancakes on the table, and Manni took a page from my book by discussing the merits of various brands of "Nutella", which have varying actual nut content.
Matti and I are both learning German words, though Matti is more advanced than me. Before coming, we had tried to learn from the children's book Max Lernt Radfahren, but it was far too advanced. Now Kristin has been instructing Matti and I with a "First Words" book. I think if we could stay here a few years, we might barely be able to keep up with Matti, and in the end we might all be able to speak like five year olds. Unfortunately we are leaving tomorrow, so no hope!
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We also watch Youtube, to help learn our animals:
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One of the major chores for today was to clean and refurbish the bikes, including changing brake pads and cleaning and lubing the chains. Manni detected a spot on my chain where the links were frozen. This is a common problem when installing chain - the pin that get driven in to link the free ends of chain can produce a glitch. Usually this can be fixed by twisting the chain or by driving the pin back and forth a bit with a chain tool. But Manni and I failed to get results.
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So it was off to the bike shop, "Bike Works", where we were lucky to get the attention right away of the mechanic, Reinhard. We used a technique that had also worked in France, in which I, rather than our local friend, present the problem. I am good at appearing pathetic and needing help, because I am. Reinhard at first tried flexing the chain with two needle nosed pliers, but no luck. So then it was surgery, with the bad section being punched out and replaced. Reinhard claims 20 years experience, and he says his shop is on an Amsterdam to Rome route that often brings him long distance riders. Anyway, we were very grateful for his efforts.
Reinhard and his shop in Feldkirch:
While Manni and I were working on the bikes outside, he got a call from Kristin, who was downtown. I asked for the phone and said, or thought I said "Kannst du zum Bäckerei gehen und Erdbeerschnitten kaufen?". Kristin asked for Manni back on the phone and apparently said the equivalent of "Why is this guy blithering about 'batteries'". I guess I flunked my first interaction with my teacher. However, with Manni's help, this did show up:
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Other classic food stuff also came home. There was roast pork with sauerkraut, and Bernese sausage - which has cheese inside and a bacon wrap. We would call that a bacon cheese dog, eh!
Dodie has taken advantage of the ultra fast internet here, and the available time, to book our way up at Heidi Hof, and then through for about one future week of travels. Dodie and Kristin also walked out on the town a bit, and admired the buildings. Kristin snapped a few shots and chipped them in:

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What gave Meaning to Life today: Playing with a two year old, but having his parents nearby should he start to cry (need to be fed, changed, or anything else.)
Today's ride: 7 km (4 miles)
Total: 2,023 km (1,256 miles)
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