Unplanned trip to Strasbourg - Lisa and Chuck - Lake Constance Ride 2024 - CycleBlaze

Unplanned trip to Strasbourg

Our 14 day cycling trip was extended as we had to fly out three days earlier to avoid the risk of cancellation due to a possible Air Canada strike or lockout. There’s no way we were going to spend three nights in Zurich though $$$. We chose Strasbourg since the weather was better than Munich. 

Day 1-4 Thursday 

flight out from Toronto

We took the Go Bus from the stop at Fairview Mall in St Catharines.  Easy trip to Pearson. Definitely the way to go, and avoiding $200 parking. 

1 hour flight delay but we were airborne before any strike action delayed us. Totally full airplane of relieved people. Phew!

We didn’t sleep much on the plane, but the wine was included with dinner:)

Day 1-3 Friday

flight arrival in Zurich; trains to Strasbourg France.

17C, Cloudy with a bit of rain only while on the train. 

Very helpful Swiss Tourist Bureau guy and the SSB train gal has us on our way quickly - regional train to Zurich train station - train to Basel - another train to Strasbourg.  

The busy Strasbourg train station. This is just on the edge of the old town area.
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A 15 minute walk to our BOMA hotel in the old town. It is a beautiful city to walk in. 

View from our balcony. Note the restaurant patios that unfortunately are noisy bars at night. Earplugs helped but we didn’t sleep well. Many families live in the buildings seen so I guess they get used to it.
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At the coffee shop across the street from our hotel.
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We drooled over these offerings every visit, but never seemed to have room for a desert after breakfast.
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Steve Miller/GrampiesTry an unconventual choice and have one FOR breakfast.
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2 days ago

We went out for a fabulous dinner, salmon for Lisa, and a huge braised duck meal for me.

Day 1-2 Saturday 

Walking Strasbourg 

17C, mixed sun and cloud. 

We meandered around, taking in the city square, big cathedral, and a maze of streets. The Petite France area still had medieval covered bridges and fortifications.  We had perfect weather for a touristy stroll about town. 

Along the canals, which are from medieval times, used for both defence and transportation.
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The Little France area
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We enjoyed a dinner on the patio seen on the far right.
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Fabulous building next to the big cathedral
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Le Lycée International des Pontonniers (military pontoon bridge builders). An exclusive high school with some university offerings. Hitler used it when in town.
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Day 1-1 Sunday

Walking Strasbourg 

17C, mixed sun and cloud, windy at times. Huge temperature swings.

At this point in our unplanned visit we were scrambling to find things to do. We like walking so with some vague objectives we meandered about. 

We had a long walk to European Commission buildings and the large Parc de l’Orangerie.  Then a boat cruise.  Long walk to find an Italian pizza restaurant but worth it. Most people here seem to be having the very thin crust with cream sauce type. 

At the European Commission campus. This is much like a university with various buildings, beside a lovely botanical park that we also enjoyed.
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Day 1 Monday

Travel to Constance (Konstanz, Deutschland)

Originally this was the arrival morning for our flight from home. Now it is our FlexBus trip from Strasbourg. Under CA$20 each, plus CA$6 for front row seats. 

Weird stop in a theme park near Rust. Lisa rediscovered her childhood by snickering at the AUSFAHRT (EXIT) highway signs.

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Steve Miller/GrampiesTry her on the common German cyclists greeting, "Gute fahrt", loosely meaning good travels. Makes us laugh every time.
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3 weeks ago
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