Yours truly actually detoured and will have to back track about 20 miles. I detoured to Permet which is the complete opposite direction of the coast I had read in another blog that the mountain scenery was nice. Wow!!! Was it ever! See for yourself after a bit more commentary.)
My legs were tired this morning and I really struggled the first 13 miles. A bunch of smaller little hills, plus the heat/humidity, had me questioning if my detour was a good idea. I saw there were a few options for hotels if I needed to stop so went for it. Tons more climbing, but all very gentle (except for a couple 10% grades someone thought would be funny to mix in). I kept wondering, I wonder if I am up high enought in the mountains now that there are bears lurking nearby. I kept an eye out but didn't see any. Ha ha.
When I got to the town of Kelcyre I stopped at the first market I came across for cold drinks and ice cream. I was sitting on the ledge, but the owner ended up bringing me out a chair to sit in. So nice. I had thought I might go to a cafe, but ended up just having lunch in the parking lot/under the tree.
I was actually doing much better in this section than I thought I would until this lunch break and then I belched the whole way to my hotel What the heck? I am going to scare the goats! And also, the heat was getting to me which wasn't helping things.
I am about a mile walk to the little town, but just stuck with a hotel right off the highway to keep things simple. Taking a rest day tomorrow. I have totally earned it!! I only went 34 miles, but it took me all day because I needed longer breaks early on.
After I showered, rested and got cooled down I went ahead and walked into town. There was a nice walkway above the river and people were out and about. I bought more data for my phone to get me through this last week. Eventually, I walked back. Should sleep good tonight.