September 14, 2015
Day 22 ending near Oakland, IL
rode on National Road Heritage Trail (Terre Haute)
It was cold last night - or at least I was cold! The thick socks and hand warmers only got me halfway through the night. Then I pulled the space blanket over the sleeping bag. That helped. Got up at 5:30am. As I worked on yesterday's report, the weather radio station reported it was 46°F at 7:00am at Terre Haute. At 7:30am, stuff from trees above started falling on the tent and bike. Turns out it's small acorns.
Got all the chores done, and was on my way leaving Hawthorn Park campsite #53 at 10:55am. My goal today was to get to Walnut Point State Park near Oakland, Illinois. I wasn't sure if I could make it with this late start. One advantage I had was I'd be gaining an hour when I reached Illinois. First, though, I needed to get through Terre Haute.
I was back on the Heritage Trail at 11:10am. At 11:20pm, I noticed that my safety flag was gone. I don't know how/when that happened. It was there when I left the campsite. Oh well. I unpacked enough to get to my spare flag, and attached it with spring clips.
I made a few wrong turns after the trail got me downtown, but eventually made my way, apparently, to the Indiana State University campus. I noticed a building with a clock tower. It was just after 12:00 noon, which reminded me to note my noon mileage: 6.1 miles (at 12:06pm).
A little later at one intersection, I was pulled over checking the GPS routing, and waving cars beside me to pass by. One car stayed at my side, so I looked up. It was a police car. The officer was just interested in my trip, and was holding up traffic behind him as he asked questions. He wished me a safe trip and moved on, to the relief of those behind him.
Before I knew it, I was on a bridge crossing the Wabash River (at 12:26pm). Turns out I was on US-150. After I got through West Terre Haute, my GPS waypoints led me off it and onto Gannon Road. I stopped in the shade there for a break, and to eat a Clif Bar.
The end of Gannon Road was at Concannon Avenue, which I took west at 1:33pm. I passed over West Little Sugar Creek. Something is wrong with that creek, because it's orange! Looks like pollution to me.
A turn south on Tiffin Avenue, and a turn west on Art Avenue, bought me into Illinois at 1:55pm. Now I was on CR-175N, and it was 12:55pm. I stopped to take pictures. A van, with a woman in it who lives nearby, pulled up and asked if I needed help. I told her no, I was just celebrating my return to Illinois. She said, "Well, you're not very far into Illinois!" She confirmed for me that the time zone line is here. I wished later that I had asked her what happened to West Little Sugar Creek.
Flat county roads got me to Vermilion at 2:10pm (CDT). I noticed they have a depot in disrepair.
On to Paris (Illinois) by-way-of Sulphur Springs Road. Ups and downs on this road were giving me a workout. Finally arrived in Paris at 3:02pm. I went off-route (on US-150) looking for the Dollar General Store (I wanted some more ginger snaps). I went past it without knowing, as my eyes were now fixed on the Wendy's ahead. I had a Spicy Chicken Sandwich, chili, and Dr Pepper. Later I went back for a medium chocolate Frosty. I studied maps while I ate, trying to figure if I could make it to Walnut Point before dark. If the roads are flat, I should make it.
To save time, I decided to skip my Dollar General Store visit for now. I kept wondering about the best way out of town, and finally just followed my waypoints north. That worked out OK. At one residential intersection, I overheard a fellow on a porch say, "At least there's one person who will stop at that sign."
The roads northwest of Paris are flat. The wind was from the south. I was going mostly west. I kept moving, and made it to Redmon at 5:24pm.
I passed a building in Redmon, and had to go back for a second look. Yes, that is a benchmark on the side of a building! I'd never seen these except cemented to the ground. The more I looked at this benchmarked building, the more I think it is an old fire station.
It was turning into a very nice evening, and I kept pedaling. Sunset was at 7:03pm this evening, and I beat it, arriving at this state park three minutes earlier! As much as I don't like riding toward the sun during early morning and late evening because of not-being-seen concerns, I sure enjoyed watching the western sky tonight.
The campground here is a ways back, but I found the camp host, who set me up for primitive camping at Fox Tent Campground, site #2. There was enough light left to get the tent up and loaded. Warmer temperatures are predicted for tonight. I welcome that.
Spent: $9.38 (lunch) + $8 (campsite) = $17.38.
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+ plus signs indicate pictures added after returning home from the trip +

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Today's ride: 57 miles (92 km)
Total: 898 miles (1,445 km)
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