A ride around Osaka with a visit to our friend Yoshi at his Bike Shop
Today’s journal begins and end with food with some much needed riding in between. The restaurant at the hotel offers breakfast (mostly for guests) and lunch (mostly locals). The food is excellent and lunch includes soup, salad bar, fresh rolls and coffee - all for 12¥ ($1o Cdn.) Enjoy
Barry chose the tender rare roast beef with semi raw egg, veg on a bed of rice. So tender, no utensils needed…just chopsticks.
We were able to find a route that stayed off main roads, and then we saw this covered walkway/shopping district, so we changed course. And we are so glad we did.
Karen PoretHow interesting! There is an umbrella tucked into the right side of the rear tire on the woman’s bicycle! Surprised they don’t have this in the Netherlands.. Reply to this comment 5 months ago
We heard this enthusiastic group of students from Hiroshima before we saw them. They are in Osaka on a school trip and are raising money for a day at Universal Studios. loud cheers erupted when they found out that Barry had been a teacher and even more when we bought a few things to support their cause. Cookies from a confectionary and Oyster flavoured seaweed to use in a soup base.
So many small individually owned shops…seamstress, sake shop, general provisions, food, pharmacy…it’s all here. It is hard to imagine that a major road with many cars and large stores is less than a block away.
Barry BartlettWe may invest in these for our winter riding at home. We see elderly ladies using these in the heat to protect their skin. Reply to this comment 1 year ago
Karen PoretThere is a woman in Bruges, Belgium who makes heated muffs to on the handlebars of your bicycle. Reply to this comment 5 months ago
This store has a wonderful selection of ideas for dinner which are prepared and ready to eat. We decided on sushi for dinner….futomaki, tuna and salmon. We have learned that around dinner time, an employee goes around and reduces the prices on items that need to be fresh. We took advantage of this and enjoyed good savings.
Tuna and futomaki…incredible flavours and so fresh.