A tough day of riding yesterday followed by a late arrival to our hotel has left us both feeling pretty tired. Last night our priority was simply to visit the Onsen at our hotel,, eat in our room and fall into bed. Today, we will try not to take a break until we reach 25 km. This sounds easy, but some of our most memorable moments while travelling come from the unexpected and unplanned encounters a day can bring.
A beautiful day for riding. The highlight of our stay here was soaking in the Hotel’s Onsen last night. We stayed in the original, older wing of the hotel, but the Onsen has been recently added to a new wing. Very nice.
Now, I know that we said no stops before 25 km, but a stop at the neighbouring Conbini helped us stock up for the day.
This older woman stopped to chat with me with our combined limited knowledge of each other’s language. Nonetheless, we managed quite well. We enjoyed a nice visit and then she returned with more questions. She was very curious about our trikes. We had a good laugh when she figured we must both be old because of our similar grey hair. Then, she unexpectedly said, “ you have beautiful teeth”. This got us both laughing particularly when I mimed that .they can be removed. Well I guess it is confirmed…I am getting older!
…we saw this small ferry, not expecting that we could fit or access it. It is our lucky day. The back section has an access point where locals (and us) simply rode or walked onboard. What a treat.
The coastline of Kyushu is spectacular…sand dunes, breaking waves and gorgeous scenery. Lucky for us, there is a dedicated paved cycle route along here for about 12 km which closely follows the ocean. Wow.
Scott AndersonI remember this wonderful path, which was here almost twenty years ago. Our experience here was similar to yours - we caught the ferry across the Inland Sea to Kitakyushu from Shimonoseki and then had a horrible time getting through Kitakyushu. We aimed for that big orange bridge also, but bikes weren’t allowed and there was no boat option we could find. We spent the next hour slogging through the city trying to find a different way to the coast.
We met a few locals out riding here. This man stopped and we had a great visit. He was a musician and loves to ride his bike. We discovered that we all share the same age of 70, and are still riding strong.
We not only share a love of cycling and our age….we also share the joy one feels when settling in to a recumbent trike. He sat on my trike, burst into giggles, gave us a thumbs up and simply said…”I am happy!”
A very good Rest Area for cyclists. We love that Kyushu is investing money into a bike infrastructure. Not so long ago, we would missed this experience and would have had to ride on the road with cars and away from the sea.
Barry BartlettHi Karen
The trash washed in with the tide from other countries. I agree tho that it is a jolt to see it. Reply to this comment 3 months ago
Our destination is a hotel/spa on the outskirts of Manakata by the sea. It is an older hotel but they have recently added an extension with a marvellous onsen and spa. We are learning that prices are significantly lower during the week, so we will stay a night or two, recharge and enjoy.
These were for sale in the gift shop. We enjoyed the packaging.“
The hotel has a few interesting features…a lounge that offers free snacks and beverages, including beer in the afternoon. In the evening, they swap from beer to mostly local liquor like gin, scotch etc. As is typical in Japanese accommodation, people move around the hotel in their yukatas. Very relaxing.