Day 2 - Kremsau to Rodl - Downhill on the Danube - Tandem Tour - June 2017 - CycleBlaze

June 5, 2017

Day 2 - Kremsau to Rodl

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We had a great night's sleep - the hotel seemed to be miles away from any roads and it was super quiet.  In the morning, we woke to a much warmer and sunnier day.  Still some clouds in the sky, but really perfect cycling weather.

We had breakfast in the hotel, got the bike out of the bike garage, and turned left toward Vienna.   The bike path was crowded today.  Every type of touring was represented, from older folks on e-bikes to some large tour groups in matching jerseys.  One group of exceptionally loud Americans made us cringe a bit, but they were having so much fun it was hard to be critical.

Nice to be among other cyclists!
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After a short ride, we came to today's bike ferry.  So sweet!

Bike ferry #2
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The ferry took us across the river to Schlogen, where there was a huge hotel and campground.  We took advantage of the campground store to provision ourselves for a picnic lunch.

On our way across to Schlogen
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After a very short ride, we came to another small village, Inzell.  We were nosing around an interesting-looking chapel when a lady came out of one of the surrounding houses with keys in her hand.  She let us into the church - a beautiful little place!

Little church in Aschach
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After Inzell starts the wildest part of the trip - in the sense of seeming far from civilization.  It was a long, long section of beautiful tarmac path with absolutely nothing around except the river, the trees, and the birds.  What an amazing ride!

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Awesome cycling infrastructure
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After too short a time, we came into the town of Aschach, where we again nosed into the local church for a quick look.

Church in Aschach
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After a quick inspection, we rode away from the river to visit the Hartkirchen church.  On the way, we passed a pick-your-own flower farm.  Based on the honor system - wonder how that would work in France?

Flowers to cut on the honor system. Aschach, Austria
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The Hartkirchen church was another riot in rococo.  I'll let the pictures do the talking.

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Hartkirchen Church
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Hartkirchen Church
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Hartkirchen Church
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After feasting our eyes on the church, we stumbled back outside and headed back to the river and downstream to the next stop.  Eferding is actually a small city with lots of shops and services, but it was lunchtime and everything was closed.  So we sat on a park bench in the central square and ate our picnic lunch.

Eferding - lunch stop
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Of course, there was a church in Eferding that was worth looking at...

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Church at Eferding
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Our final stop for the day was Wilhering Abbey.  We came in through the stables, which didn't give a really great first impression.

Wilhering stables
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But then, inevitably, there was the abbey church.  And more rococo decoration.  Again, there are no words...

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Wilhering church
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Rococo delight!
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More rococo
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We escorted our tired eyeballs back outside and focused on getting to our next hotel.   To get there, we had to cross the river again.

This time, we crossed on a car/bike/pedestrian ferry that has no motor - it runs on a cable and moves itself back and forth across the river by pointing its bow one way or the other.  What a clever way to cross the river with zero emissions!

Cable ferry to Ottensheim
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Scott AndersonWe’ve biked this stretch of the river twice now, but I don’t remember this ferry. I guess we’ll have to go back.
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3 years ago
Cable ferry to Ottensheim
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Once across, we had a few more minutes of riding on forest paths to the door of our accommodation for the night, Landgasthof Rodlhof.  After cleaning up, we repaired to the biergarten.

In the beer garden in Rodl
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Today's ride: 72 km (45 miles)
Total: 119 km (74 miles)

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