The wreck - Trevan’s Great Divide Adventure - 2022 - CycleBlaze

May 30, 2022

The wreck

what happened and lessons learned

My FB live, announcing the wreck:

Ok, so lots of people have been asking about the crash and how it happened, so here are the deets and lessons learned. 

This is what today’s journey was expected to look like + getting to where I’d be staying.
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The blue circle is where I crashed. it just so happens that I only had 2.5 more miles of dirt road that day. All the rest would have been on paved roads where my bike is happiest. I’d climbed a few thousand feet and when I finally reached a couple of downhill stretches the little kid in me came out and I just let off the brakes and cruised down the hill.

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 I was going 27mph when I saw the curve and realized I was in trouble -coming into the curve very hot (especially for my current level of experience riding off road). As I went into the turn both front and rear wheels lost traction and I began sliding off the crowned road. The front tire then hit soft dirt or sand and pulled the bike down. 

crash site
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40 seconds before
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30 seconds before
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20 seconds before
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seconds before the crash
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After crash - gopro pointing at dirt
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Image not found :(
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Image not found :(
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GoPro still running on timelapse - Dirty lens happens to catch Otso & Noora assisting me while I worked to get help (calling Global Rescue).
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Otso, retrieving first aid items from my crashed bike (yes, the bike is ok!)
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Rachel and Patrick HugensYour T-shirt had a premonition....
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2 years ago

According to my Garmin, I was still going 23-25 mph when I crashed. With my running shoes on, I can hit about 15 mph, so if I'd bailed off the bike I still would have needed to roll in order to protect myself from injury.

Lessons learned:

* Practice riding in these conditions will help keep a level head so you can use your training instead of panicking.  

** I forgot to keep the bike low and keep myself more upright. That would have helped retain traction.

** I didn't think to put my foot down to help stabilize the bike. I was clipped in and stayed clipped. Kick the foot out - not only will it help stabilize the bike but it'll make it easier to bail from the bike if necessary.

** The tension on the clips was adjusted too high, making it more difficult to unclip in a pinch. Adjust the tension to make it easier to unclip.

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Rachel and Patrick HugensNice review and evaluation.

We met Dave in Silver City, he brought our supply box...that we don't need now with our change in plans to go to Cortez CO and cycle the Great Parks Ride.
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2 years ago