After a decent night’s sleep and a warm breakfast, we finished filling our panniers and loaded the tandem. We stored our suitcases with the reception at the Holiday Inn Express and set off on our route. Today’s route is all on bicycle paths from leaving the airport, escaping metro Glasgow, and heading north along the west side of Loch Lomond.
Our first order of business was to remember to ride on the left side of the roads … Chuck navigated really well. Ireland’s lessons seem to have come right back for him.
Our first river crossing. It was a bit hectic, so I’m not really sure which river at this point.
As I walked back across it, I realized it was a drawbridge. A pedestrian walked by and told us there are only 2 of this style of drawbridge in the world: this one and one other in Germany.
Our second order of business was to find the closest bike shop along our route so we could top off the tires. Check! It was only a couple blocks off route.
Good thing the shop was still in business. Another couple of weeks and it will be gone.
With the tires pumped up we set off in earnest twisting and turning, and we pulled up to a river shoreline. Right! We forgot that we were to cross the river on the ferry. When we researched it before, there wasn’t any mention of a fee for crossing, but as we walked on and set the bike in place I read the sign. £3 per person. Yikes! We forgot to find an ATM machine to get some cash. Euros don’t work in this country. The ferry operator was puzzled and didn’t know what to tell us, but he said he didn’t have change for euros. We had 2 €5s on us and I asked if he’d take that and no change was necessary. After some haggling, he agreed as long as we didn’t tell anyone. So, mums the word! As we crossed the river he told us he vacationed in France every year. We’re sure hit put the €10 in his pocket and then put £6 in the till.
This is our first ferry ride of this trip. There will be a lot more to come. However, none will be as comical as this little guy! Notice the 5 bikes disembarking?
And we say goodbye to the ferry. He has to hurry back across as there a couple more bikes and pedestrians waiting for him on the other bank. As we rode out, there were more bikes riding in. It appears this is a very active little cycling ferry.
After finding an ATM machine and crossing a couple of intersections, we came to a major cycling intersection and got onto the Eurovelo 7/National Cycle Route 7 path along the Clyde River.
This is the major cycling path intersection that we came to. We had been riding north, but now we turned west along the Clyde River.
At kilometer 11.4 we had our first flat tire of the trip. Sigh! We couldn’t find the cause of the flat … so once the new tube was inflated we set off once again. Will we make it to our destination today?
Okay, hopefully the nonsense is behind us and we can find our way out of metro Glasgow. A couple more major road crossings and then we left the busy city behind us and began to enjoy cycling along the river. The cycle path was busy with cyclists, walkers, and fishermen.
Another interesting sculpture as we crossed a busy road to begin cycling along the Forth & Clyde Canal.
The rest of the day was uneventful, but scenic. We came to the popular tourist village of Balloch at the south end of Loch Lomond. It was a zoo, so we dismounted and walked thru the maze of people, food vendors, and carnival type of booths. It was a sunny day along the lake and everyone was out to enjoy it.
The weather ranged from 16 to 20C today. It was breezy but sunny. A lot of the cycle path was shaded, so it felt quite cool. We’re happy to be riding in this nice cool weather rather than enduring the heatwave at home in Foix.
Today's ride: 64 km (40 miles) Total: 64 km (40 miles)
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Rich FrasierGreat to have a successful first day done. Yesterday it maxed out at 41 degrees here. I wish we were there with you! Reply to this comment 6 months ago