To Pattaya We Ride - Don't Lose Your Passport - CycleBlaze

July 8, 2019 to July 11, 2019

To Pattaya We Ride

The effects of this holiday were just awesome and recovery had fully happened. So after lazing around all morning at the poolside, writing up journals, and packing it was time to leave.  The destination would be Pattaya, and it was the usual route which I've probably cycled a hundred times already.  It never fails to disappoint.  The weather was just awesome and the rain had stopped for a few days. It was high clouds and sun, in other words ideal.

Loaded up and all set for the initial ride
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Interesting sights on the route
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Oh goodness. If cycle tourists start finding out about this, it'll go out of business fast.
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The midway point of the run was Chonburi where I stopped for some delicious lunch at and then assessed the heart rate monitor. For this holiday I'm trying to get accurate information on how many calories are burned. Garmin will give an indication but the HR monitor is probably more accurate, so I loaded up an app and gave it a go. Much to my astonishment, the whole ride ended up burning over 3000 calories.

After Chonburi, the road went straight into the wind which was an annoyance, but only to be expected at this time of year. Hence my rationale for starting the biking later in the day, because the winds would die down at night.  There was some really nice cruising on the final stretches of Sukumvhit Road with lots of undulations. The road had recently been upgraded with new lanes added and more bridges where cars could bypass the traffic lights and free up more space for cyclists.

Once in Pattaya I found my prebooked accommodation and boy was it bliss or what. Huge studio room complete with free breakfast and a swimming pool and I was going to stay here for two nights to try and make the most of it. That night my friend arrived from Chiang Mai so we then went for a night on the town to celebrate the arrival into this great city of Pattaya.  

We would both be here for a few days to get set up. 

You know you're getting close to Pattaya when these start popping up. This is in Si Racha, only 30km more to go.
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Home for the next 3 days
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The next day we also got a chance to meet Prateep, this shifty  property agent.  There is currently a customer in there from Argentina and she wants to renew another year.  Now if this rental manager actually does his job and puts the money into my bank account, I should have enough cash to finance this tour multiple times over.  Unfortunately he never did.

[Update November 2022]:  Prateep was one of many worthless agents who could not be trusted.  The condo in Pattaya has been a thorn in my side unfortunately and it is very difficult to find anyone trustworth to look after it in my absence.  This will be an ongoing story for future trips and journals.

My friend and I decided there wasn't much to do about it for now except to start biking and get on with the program.

Today's ride: 115 km (71 miles)
Total: 366 km (227 miles)

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