Day 11: Dingle in the Rain - Slowly Pedaling the Emerald Isle - CycleBlaze

May 25, 2024

Day 11: Dingle in the Rain

Unplanned Rest Day

The predictions came to fruition . . . rain, wind, and cold.  We took advantage of the weather and slept in and had a lazy breakfast in the kitchen of our quaint accommodations.  We did laundry, caught up on emails, and this blog.  During one of the lulls in the rain, we went down to the Aquarium to see what it had to offer.  Afterward we meandered around Dingle and had a half pint of the locally brewed stout at Dick Mack's bar.  It used to be a leather shop, but the proprietor added the bar and then a brewery.  We meandered some more and visited the church.  Chuck had more of an audience than just me this time.  Afterwards we checked out Foxy John's Pub - the one that is a bar, hardware store, and bike shop all in one.  We had a half pint of the locally brewed IPA this time and watched the end of the rugby match between an Irish team and Toulouse.  We quietly cheered Toulouse along and they won!  It was an unexpectedly peaceful, relaxing, and lazy day.

Street scene in Dingle.
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Walking along the waterfront on the way to the Aquarium.
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A crab . . .
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An octopus . . . have you seen 'My Octopus Teacher'?
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We saw some beautiful fish and some not so good looking.
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Shark #1
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Shark #2
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A variety of rays - some hidden in the sand.
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A spider crab.
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The altar of St. Mary's Church.
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We decided to find a pub for a light dinner and found ourselves in Dingle Pub.  Being Saturday night, it was very busy and we had a bit of a wait for a table.  Dingle Pub is the home of David Geaney, the Dingle Dancer.  He has toured and even performed Irish dancing on Broadway. He usually comes out from behind the bar and dances to the music of the local performers, but we were informed that he is out of town for a few nights and won't be back until Monday.  I guess we should have been there last night.

Captain's House, our accommodations in Dingle.
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rod dayWe loved Dingle (apart from the crowds) with all the brightly coloured buildings.
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3 months ago
Sanna PhinneyIt is such a cute town. Population of just above 2000 and 50 pubs … and 1 million visitors per year.
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3 months ago
Deirdre HickeyOne of our favourite places! West of Dingle - Ballyferriter is where I learned to speak Irish language beyond the classroom. Hope you got to hear it spoken enile you were there.
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2 months ago