Purnagad to Vijaydurg - Mumbai to Goa - CycleBlaze

January 13, 2024

Purnagad to Vijaydurg

Early start on a quiet NH4 and I watched thd sun rise as I crossed the Puragad bridge.  

It had been a bit of a noisy start to the night with a local wedding party nearby but a short power cut stopped their fun.  When the electricity came back on there was a flash at the control box in my room, more obvious as the room was in dark, but everything seemed ok afterwards.  I am charging a battery bank and using that to charge my phone, just in case.

I took a smaller road to Nate through beautiful villages and past a stone quarry where the stone was cut to size direct from the quarry walls.  This stone is used in nearly all house and for field walls.

Stone block quarry
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After rejoining the main road it took me further inland than I really wanted to go as it kept to higher more level land.  Route NH4 was also shut for a section so I had to loop even further East before I could rejoin it,   This was on a smaller road with massive banyan trees to shelter under.   

Banyan tree shade
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In places BH4 was very rough.

NH4 roadworks
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I decided to head North to Vijaydurg but all the tourist accommodation there was full as there is a sea swimming competition tomorrow.  The fort is another mud pie type with a small sea port.

Vijaydurg fort
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Spencer StinchcombeLooks and sounds like you re having a great Adventure. I'm enjoying reading about it. It's got to be said a little bit jealous.
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4 months ago
Andy BuchanTo Spencer StinchcombeI have missed out on a lot: the daily clothes washing: the blaring TV until 1am last night: the lizard in the toilet…..
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4 months ago

I found a room at the MTDC Guest house a mile back up the road so a few more miles were done heading back for food,  A long day but no heatstroke problems.

Today's ride: 56 miles (90 km)
Total: 362 miles (583 km)

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Leslie HarrisYour mileage is very consistent Andy. I guess you are more or less able to follow your plan. The scenery and sights look wonderful. I’m quite envious.

Good luck for the rest of your journey.
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4 months ago
Bill ShaneyfeltIronic
NH4 is scientific notation for ammonium...
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4 months ago